Whole Sign Character Analysis
As we enter planet Earth we are given a unique set of astrological parameters based on our birth data of Time, Date and Place, known as a Whole Sign Chart. The interpretation of this, our Whole Sign Character Analysis, is a vital document that we can use for the rest of our lives.
The 12 Houses in Whole Sign Astrology start from 0° of the zodiac sign, where the Ascendant is located. So say Leo is the Ascendant at 22° the first House cusp essentially begins at 0° Leo, divided in 12 exact segments of 30 degrees. Thus the House is linked to the Zodiac signs they occupy. This is a more simplified approach, but one some people are highly passionate about.
From this report you can understand your true potential, and where the investment of time and energy will render the best results. Equally, we can discover, the grittier, more challenging aspects that influence us. Understanding these in detail can be our personal gateway to growth and true enlightenment. Understanding our Personal Whole Sign Character Analysis helps us to see with greater clarity who we really are and can be.
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