Book 1 to 1 Consultation with Patrick…

To book, please fill out the form below and I will contact you for payment and to arrange a time that suits you for your consultation.


WH, Alaska, 15th October 2024 – “You are incredibly gifted and will continue to be my lifelong astrologer.”

CN, Devon, UK, 11th October 2024 – “I’ve had a few readings with Patrick and he never stop to amaze me his knowledge about astrology is impressive and very accurate! A very kind friendly person ! The best astrologer!”

CW, Missouri, 5th October 2024 – “Wow! This was a great read and discussion. Seeing my chart and discussing the patterns was eye opening. In addition the additional other charts were unexpected. All so fascinating and Patrick is so kind and thorough when he explains. Thanks so much!!!”


HB, Boston – MA, USA – 26th September 2024 – “Highly recommend! My reading with Patrick was very comprehensive. I love that our session was interactive. While he was prepared with various charts, Patrick asked for my feedback throughout the session and focused on the topics and areas most important to me. Also since I knew a little about astrology, he explained the techniques he used and why. I learned a lot! At the start, Patrick asked if I wanted to record our zoom session. I did and I find it very valuable to be able to listen to it again as I pick up new information each time, especially as we get close to each transit. Patrick is a very knowledgeable astrologer, who is also personable and focused on the client. I thoroughly enjoyed our session and the insights he provided! THANK YOU SO MUCH!”

BB Ireland – 19th September 2024 – “I had a wonderful 1-on-1 consultation where we explored my natal chart, upcoming 12 months, and my current move. The insights were incredibly accurate and provided me with much-needed clarity and direction. I feel more confident about what’s ahead, and I highly recommend Patrick’s guidance!”

SSL Netherlands – 15th September 2024 – “I have been following Patrick for 10 years on YouTube yet I only decided to consult him at the age of 44 and in doing so, discovered that my rising sign was Taurus all along, not Aquarius! Made me realise how crucial it is to consult a real professional astrologer. The amount I paid for is nothing compared to how much work he had dedicated himself in preparation for our meeting ~ his detailed chart readings and thorough explanations resonated strongly with me, and I would have paid more.
Forget shadow work, astrology, in my opinion, is the key to purging out old beliefs and learning more about yourself. Patrick sees right through you. Like when I said that I wasn’t interested in relationships just to protect myself, he knew I was lying. He is a highly intuitive and gentle spirit, wise beyond his age, and made me laugh many times throughout the conversation. He shared about his personal experiences that helped me consider my next moves in life. He also gave sound advice on how to grow my business, which I am also very thankful.
There were several synchronicities which confirmed my instincts that he was the Right astrologer.

For example, his late sister’s handmade textiles had the same colour as my wall, which is my favourite colour! And I’m a textile artist. I felt that it was God’s way of telling me — do what Patrick said she could have done with her work but did not. When I accepted that some things were beyond my control, and allowed myself to trust in Patrick’s guidance; that I do have a great deal to offer if only I had the confidence to showcase my multiple talents. And I can proudly say, within this short span of time, people have reached out to me via my website requesting for my art classes, I was approached by the University of Amsterdam for an interview for a documentary, and I’m getting paid by a Dutch textile art magazine to feature my work and life as an artist. I’m also learning Wondershare now, an app introduced by Patrick’s wife. There’s always a first step for everything, and if you’re serious about connecting more deeply with yourself, Patrick is the man I recommend you turn to. This is my first reading experience with him, and it will not be my last.”

PAR, Western Australia, 4th September 2024 – “Thank you once again Patrick for yet another excellent session. Your personal reading was thorough and as ever supported by your detailed research and extensive knowledge of Astrology. I have followed you on line for many years and yesterdays personal online experience was accurate and delivered with your customary kindness and sensitivity. I very much recommend you to all who are seeking confidential and professional astrological guidance. I will most certainly be a returning client to gain further insights into my life’s path.”

RB, Thuir, France, 26th August 2024 – As a birthday treat to self I booked a one to one astrology session with him. I am very much into astrology and know a bit about it…I’m also a Tarologue. I was very impressed with Patrick’s reading of my birth chart and draco chart. I already knew the basics like my su, moon, ascendent. But he opened my eyes to much more significant points like I have Mercury, my moon and the meeting point with my sun in my 7th house which explains why I am so obsessed with relationships and need to have deep and meaningful relationships…not just romantically but in general. It’s like my “raison d’être”. Also I have Cairon in my 6th house so this explains why I am such a deeply sensitive empath and animal lover. We spoke for over an hour and it was all recorded on Zoom or Skype. So you can go back over the session which I have done and still pick up new insights. The other great think about working with Patrick is that he’s like an old friend. A very genuine and kind person. He puts you at ease immediately. Highly recommended!🎉🎉

H, Boston, MA, 23rd August 2024 – “It was a great pleasure meeting you and working with you! Thanks again for everything Patrick!”

AM, Vancouver, Canada 7th August – “Patrick is a really caring and kind person. He offered insights into my life that were very thoughtful and validated some difficult times with transits that were more challenging. I feel I have a better understanding of the year ahead and how I can best navigate some important decisions. It was very beneficial for me that he asked my permission to record the experience so I am able to look back and understand things more fully. I am new to understanding the houses in astrology so this will bode well for me to enrich my understanding and deepen my knowledge. I would definitely recommend Patrick and I will be sure to reach out to him again for another reading. Thank you, Patrick”

NM Boulder, Colorado, USA, 3rd August – “Dear Patrick,It was a wonderful reading and spot on.”

AA, Berlin, Germany, 30th July 2024 – “Patrick was a joy to work with. I’ve been to numerous astrologers over the years and really appreciated the layered approach he took to reading my chart from so many different angles, which provided a fresh perspective. He’s skilled at intuiting and interpreting the personal significance of the various astrological indicators. Would work with him again!”

LH, Somerset, UK, 23rd July, 2024 – “Thank you Patrick for such an insightful reading. You have a fantastic attention to detail and it’s clear that you genuinely care. It was very much appreciated.”

AAS, Rochester, UK, 18th July 2024 – “I was delighted with my consultation with Patrick. His analysis of my personality and experiences was very accurate and picked up on details that that wouldn’t be apparent to anyone else. His forecast of influences for my future direction gave me the tools and inspiration to plan for success. I highly recommend a 1-1 with Patrick!”

LD, London, UK, 12th July – “I’ve just listened back to the recording of my consultation with Patrick (and will probably revisit it often!). He carefully and patiently enabled me to see why my life has been so tough for years, but most importantly he gave me hope of change on the horizon. I’m very grateful to have been able to spend an hour with Patrick and benefit from his cosmic guidance. He’s cheered me up no end!”

KW, 10th July 2024, New York, USA – “Patrick Arundell is an incredibly knowledgeable astrologer with breadth and depth not easily found in an astrologer. His guidance to me has been invaluable over the years and with each year he becomes more sophisticated in his work. I greatly appreciate how he manages to make insights clearly and easily understood. You would be making a wise choice to book an appointment with this kind soul, and return to him on a regular basis to help navigate the ins and outs of our changing sky.”

PP. Seattle, WA USA, 5th July 2024 – “Patrick welcomed me warmly and went right the heart of the matter. The reading was beyond comprehensive including more charts than I had anticipated and took a deep dive on many aspect of my life. He spent a little over one hour and let me ask other questions other than the one for which I made the appointment. I plan on conferring with Patrick again in the future.”

PC, Thailand, 4th July 2024 – “My session with Patrick was very illuminating and cathartic. It felt like I had a therapist, a business coach and an astrologer rolled into one. Through his compassion and perceptiveness, the reading made me feel seen and hopeful.

I sought out a one-on-one because I had been feeling stuck in my career and relationship for a decade, and Patrick not only helped me understand my life better but also pieced together the bits and pieces of my situation to arrive at a practical ladder out of my stuckness. Many of the things he pointed out were what I had been contemplating but couldn’t crystallize and had the courage to take action on. If you are looking for an astrologer who is full of depths, elegance and expertise, Patrick is your guy”

AD, Colorado, USA 26th June 2024 – “Today I had a personal astrological horoscope reading with Patrick Arundell. I consider this reading as probably the best reading I have ever had . He is so thoughtful and knowledgeable. He brought to my attention things I had not considered before. I have been a student of Astrology for many years . And I have followed Patrick for many years . After my conversation with him I felt very hopeful and uplifted. He put a lot into one hour. Truly I know that anyone who has the interest will benefit from meeting with Patrick! In closing i want to emphasize that I am older and have had other readings in my life. This was the best and most interesting and inspiring reading I have ever had! Patrick is truly special. Thank you so much!”

CL Florida, USA, 24th June 2024 – “Patrick is such a gem. The insights that the one-on-one reading, gave me clarity and a knowing of my soul’s “alignment”. Patrick expanded upon things I’d previously known about my birth chart and revealed new things that I didn’t realize (I have gone at reading and deciphering my natal chart on my own until the reading with Patrick) and Patrick’s details were all spot-on! It was as if he peered into the real me. I especially loved his thoroughness both during the reading and the information he sent afterward. Beyond words happy that I chose to take the leap and dive into my personal astrology with a professional! Many thanks to him!”

C, London, 15th June 2024 – “My conversation with Patrick is always very nuanced – he can describe how I relate to the world and feel in my inner world by looking at key planetary aspects and he’s also able to translate how transits might play out in my life. I’m not looking for exact predictions, I’m looking for an intuitive understanding of how energies could play out should I be in the right (or wrong) circumstance to activate these energies. However, some of Patrick’s suggestions did play out quite accurately. On top of it all, he’s a genuine fellow who wants to help, reassure, and encourage people, while applying great listening skills and compassion”

BB, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 13th June 2024 – “I think, from the first session with Patrick, I tapped into a treasure of knowledge. It is the first time I made a contract with a professional astrologer, but the feeling is mind-blowing for me. I will come back for additional sessions with Patrick to gain more in-depth knowledge and insight about astrology which will help me navigate my life with confidence. Patrick, during the session, showed deep knowledge and experience which tempted me to continue this enlightening journey. Thank you Patrick”

S.H Como, Italy 7th June 2024 – “It has been a real pleasure to consult with Patrick Arundell. He is an amazing astrologer who examines your chart profoundly and knows every detail about your Transits, Progressions, Solar Return and every Aspect related. He is as attentive, detailed and sensitive in his work as you can imagine. I can only say positive things about his work, human warmth and sincerity when communicating. I wholehearted recommend it to anybody!”

CME, London, UK, 1st June 2024 – “What a truly enriching and rewarding experience! Patrick went through my charts very comprehensively and explained everything in detail to me. He was so kind and considerate and I was so delighted to receive a lot of very helpful information afterwards, including my natal chart and twelve month forecast. I will definitely recommend this my friends!”

LJ, Bristol UK, 27th May 2024 – “From the outset Patrick made me feel very at ease. He is a genuinely warm person ,he has great empathy and provides an indepth, very individual service. I felt a lot more positive afterwards and have a clearer picture of what has been going on and the future seems a lot brighter. I felt that Patrick went out of his way to understand my situation, he gave me as much time as I needed, he is very skilled but a very humble, caring person. Many thanks for your help.”

RP, CA,Walnut Creek, 20th May 2024 – “Patrick’s astrology reading was the most detailed and insightful reading I have ever had ( and I’ve had a lot). He has a warm, down to earth, and delightful personality and his talent and passion for his craft shine through as he relates each of his predictions with the detailed aspects in your chart. I left that one hour feeling so empowered, encouraged, and excited about my year ahead. Patrick also followed up with a recording of our session, pictorials of my chart, and detailed transits for this year. I cannot thank Patrick enough and look forward to another session sometime in the future.”

JH, Watford, UK, 19th May 2024 – “I am so grateful, Patrick, for this reading. I am amazed by your deep knowledge and interpretation of Astrology, as well as your noble spirit and positive energy. Thank you.”

CM, Ohio, 10th May 2024 – “Thank you so much! I had such a great time meeting you and what a wonderfully informative hour!”

KT, Arizona,  24th April 2024 – “WOW! My goodness, that was outstanding! Your expertise and personable manner helped me to understand my circumstance on another level. Your prognosis is extremely encouraging and quite a relief to hear.”

M.A.UAE, 19th April 2024 – “Patrick is truly remarkable! He accurately determined my birth time with precision. His expertise in the field is evident as he explained everything thoroughly.Not only is he experienced, but he’s also incredibly generous. Patrick went above and beyond by analyzing my progression chart and Solar Return, and even provided me with a complimentary 12 Month Transits Report and Astrology Manual. He is a kind and compassionate individual, and I highly recommend him for any astrology reading. Thank you, Patrick!”

KB, Colorado, 22nd March 2024 – “I recently had a reading with Patrick and I can honestly say that an hour with him shifted my perspective more than any therapy session or other reading ever has. I feel as though a tremendous weight that I have been carrying my entire life has been lifted from me, from our time together. He beautifully articulated various aspects and placements of my chart in such a way that not only helps me to better understand myself and things I am moving through, or have moved through, but that gives me the tools to approach things in a much healthier, harmonious way moving forward. Patrick shares his wisdom and immense expertise of Astrology in such a way that is not only educational and empowering, but is also done with empathy and understanding from start to finish. No matter how much experience or knowledge you may have of Astrology, if you haven’t had a reading with Patrick, I HIGHLY recommend booking one. I am truly grateful for him, the work he does in this world, and the deeper insights he offered me.”

LJ, Los Angeles, California, USA, 20th February 2024 – “My consultation with Patrick was so helpful. He has a gift for translating the data of a chart into very clear and relatable language. I left the reading with a sense of clarity about the next chapters in my life. I also felt that my concerns were witnessed in a compassionate way. I’m grateful for his work.”

SO Trowbridge, UK 16th February 2024 “Patrick. I would like to thank you for the brilliant and informative interpretation of my chart. It was great to interact on a one to one basis and your patience with me getting to grips with technology was appreciated. I found the session gave me a new outlook to help deal with the coming months and you gave me the confidence to progress in a more positive way. I also appreciated your honesty and I will certainly be in touch again for a one to one follow up when I feel the time is right. In the meantime thank you again and I wish you all the very best for the future Love, Light and Blessings”.

F.H Vancouver, Canada 15th February 2024 “As a robotics engineer with genius-level IQ in multiple areas, it will probably shock many people to see that I am writing a GLOWING REVIEW, of Patrick, as an Astrologer. Yes, that’s right: Astrology is real, verifiable, scientifically derived, and utterly accurate – if you know whom to talk to… and Patrick is your man. And while this science has suffered terribly in recent centuries, from harlots and charlatans with haphazard knowledge and poor presentation – Patrick alone, stands out as a beacon of discerning intelligence and accuracy, with literally decades of practice, study, research – and verifiably correct prognostications – real results. I am truly very grateful to have found him…
In particular, what I appreciated about Patrick was his incredible thoroughness, in examining every angle, every node, every conjunction… every… whatever – I don’t know Astrology – but he certainly does. And with his advanced computer program he is able to examine every aspect of your chart to ensure he is able to give you, not only accurate interpretation – but also very accurate DATES, which makes life-planning very convenient. (Such as when to file a patent! Or when to wait…)
Patrick is extremely polite and professional, yet personable; he is forthright, yet very diplomatic in his delivery. He is sincere and genuine, and clearly has clients concerns foremost in his mind. (As well as confidentiality, if you happen to be someone of status in society.) I trust him completely, and – for example – his reading of my natal chart was almost uncomfortably startling, in its accuracy. I simply cannot imagine trying to arrange my affairs and plan my future without first gathering as much useful information as possible: and an Astrology reading with Patrick Arundell will now be the first move I shall take, before beginning any important endeavour. Thank you again Patrick; I shall look forward to another session with you in the near future. “


CM. North East USA 19th January 2024 “Fabulous”, describes the presentation, the caring nature of the chart (the good and not-so-good), and the knowledge shared in such a professional and easy-to-understand manner. I have been read many years ago by not one but two very prominent NY astrologers and have never seen or heard of some of the aspects, midpoints, and their collective energies and how they are intertwined into one life in such a detailed manner. I would highly recommend a reading with Patrick, even if you have had an astrology reading in the past you will learn so much more than one could ever imagine. Treat yourself! You will get the full picture of your life and gain a greater understanding of your purpose, gifts, and behaviors.”

KD, Detroit, USA 11th January 2024 “Thank you so much, Patrick. I was such a pleasure meeting you and the reading was exceptional!!”

JG, LA, USA 4th January 2024 “Dear Patrick, Thank you for the amazing reading!”

SRAJ, UK, 30th December 2023 – “Patrick is professional, polite. He is very detailed this provides excellent analysis. He is kind and honest I would highly recommend this amazing Astrologer!”

AG, Washington State, USA, 30th December 2023 “Patrick is wonderful. His insights and accuracy are always spot on. He is pleasure to work with”

S.K., Berlin, Germany 28th December 2023 – “Patrick delved deep into my chart and explained the past, current situation and future. Understanding the past years better – in order to process them and make peace with them – helped me a lot. Looking at life and its developments through “his” astrology, explanations and interpretations was wonderful and did me good. I think he is a professional who is very focussed, profound and absolutely with the client. I really enjoyed it – thank you very much!”

MP, Paris, France 22nd December 2023 – “Patrick is a very experienced astrologer and offers a reading with incredible insights into your personality and your relationships. He is very respectful of the person he consults. He also gently suggests directions forward that combine astrological facts and psychological finesse . I really appreciated his reading.”

JR Trimsaran Wales, 25th November 2023 – “Our time together was brilliant; there was time for me to talk and for Patrick to back up my musings with the Astrology. Patrick was spot on with my questions; highlighted my skills, knowledge, expertise. After our time together ; I felt buoyed up; enough to sing ( poorly) whilst preparing food. Huge recommendation from me.”

Joanna, South Africa, 22nd November – “This astrology reading by Patrick has exceeded my expectations. I was blown away by how accurate my life was shown in the stars. Patrick is so knowledgeable and so professional I left feeling so much better about myself and my whole year experiences. I cannot wait for the next year. And this is not the end with Patrick, thank you so very much till next year.”

R – 26th October 2023 “Patrick was extremely helpful and insightful that catered to my situation. I will be coming back to him for further chart and relationship guidance.”

B – Luton, UK 20th October 2023 “Thank you again for my amazing reading last night. Patrick is warm, genuine and makes you feel at ease. He amazed me how accurate he was when reading my birth chart and it was as if he knew me already. He explained about my transits, progressed and Solar Returns and it left me feeling hopeful. If you’re looking to get your birth chart read then look no further as Patrick is your man.”

Duane, Brooklyn, New York, USA 18th October “I am SO glad I approached Patrick to have my chart read! Patrick is insightful, intuitive and informative. I should actually put INFORMATIVE in all caps, because he is truly gifted in his ability to share so many insights in such little time. I was also very impressed by his approach to inquiring about my past (past transits) because with what seemed like little effort, he was able to help me reframe many experiences and reconnect with other moments that I had almost forgotten.

I felt like he really understood me and for that I am grateful. I am inquisitive by nature so it was really comforting to work with someone who could keep up with my questions so gracefully.
By the end of our call, I gained a lot of clarity about my Birth Chart and I am excited for my upcoming transits. Do not hesitate to book time with Patrick Arundell! A reading with him is definitely worth your time!”

JC, Florida. USA 3rd October 2023 “What a pleasure to work with Patrick today. He gave me wonderful insight on my past situations and future endeavors with lots of practical knowledge and some great ideas.A true understanding and down to earth explanation of my chart with it’s progressions, challenges and blessings. An uplifting session that will assist me in moving ahead into my next life adventure with bigger smiles and more confidence. The session was recorded and charts sent later that day so I can refer back as needed. Don’t think twice! Book a session! I promise that you won’t regret it.”

MC, Sweden, 26th September 2023 “I had a one to one session with Patrick. I had some specific questions that he answered in great details. I also got a better understanding of a difficult situation with a family member. Plus an overview about work and love and what I can look forward to the coming year. He is very knowledgeable and explains everything in a way that is easily understood. I highly recommend Patrick.”

E, Cat island, Greece 21st September 2023 “Thanks Patrick! Thanks Patrick! Thanks Patrick! Thanks Patrick! Thanks Patrick! Thanks Patrick! I love your prophecies and your name and you! Ich liebe dich!”

PE, New Zealand 28th June 2023 “My sessions with Patrick have been profound. He was very able at explaining the technicalities of the astrology reading and relating it to my current circumstances. His deep listening and the kind, thoughtful, and caring way that he communicates takes the sessions to great heights. I highly recommend working with Patrick.”

CC, Vancouver 20th June 2023 “I had a one to one reading with Patrick. I am going through a tough period and he helped me to understand why and give me some insight, and the most important HOPE. I was an another astrologer in the past, and it was very superficial. He knows in depth astrology, and what he told me deeply resonates. I felt understood right away. I highly recommend Patrick for any astrology reading”

Da, Atlanta, USA -24th May 2023 “Patrick is excellent. Sure he knows his craft of astrology but what makes him special is his ability to apply the current aspects to what is happening in your life. He is an excellent listener, very intuitive and tuned into the problems you are trying solve. You feel that he is completely on the same page. He gets it! Highly recommend, see for yourself!”

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