WH, Alaska, 15th October 2024 – “You are incredibly gifted and will continue to be my lifelong astrologer.”

CN, Devon, UK, 11th October 2024 – “I’ve had a few readings with Patrick and he never stop to amaze me his knowledge about astrology is impressive and very accurate! A very kind friendly person ! The best astrologer!”

CW, Missouri, 5th October 2024 – “Wow! This was a great read and discussion. Seeing my chart and discussing the patterns was eye opening. In addition the additional other charts were unexpected. All so fascinating and Patrick is so kind and thorough when he explains. Thanks so much!!!”

HB, Boston – MA, USA – 26th September 2024 – “Highly recommend! My reading with Patrick was very comprehensive. I love that our session was interactive. While he was prepared with various charts, Patrick asked for my feedback throughout the session and focused on the topics and areas most important to me. Also since I knew a little about astrology, he explained the techniques he used and why. I learned a lot! At the start, Patrick asked if I wanted to record our zoom session. I did and I find it very valuable to be able to listen to it again as I pick up new information each time, especially as we get close to each transit. Patrick is a very knowledgeable astrologer, who is also personable and focused on the client. I thoroughly enjoyed our session and the insights he provided! THANK YOU SO MUCH!”

BB Ireland – 19th September 2024 – “I had a wonderful 1-on-1 consultation where we explored my natal chart, upcoming 12 months, and my current move. The insights were incredibly accurate and provided me with much-needed clarity and direction. I feel more confident about what’s ahead, and I highly recommend Patrick’s guidance!”

SSL Netherlands – 15th September 2024 – “I have been following Patrick for 10 years on YouTube yet I only decided to consult him at the age of 44 and in doing so, discovered that my rising sign was Taurus all along, not Aquarius! Made me realise how crucial it is to consult a real professional astrologer. The amount I paid for is nothing compared to how much work he had dedicated himself in preparation for our meeting ~ his detailed chart readings and thorough explanations resonated strongly with me, and I would have paid more.
Forget shadow work, astrology, in my opinion, is the key to purging out old beliefs and learning more about yourself. Patrick sees right through you. Like when I said that I wasn’t interested in relationships just to protect myself, he knew I was lying. He is a highly intuitive and gentle spirit, wise beyond his age, and made me laugh many times throughout the conversation. He shared about his personal experiences that helped me consider my next moves in life. He also gave sound advice on how to grow my business, which I am also very thankful.
There were several synchronicities which confirmed my instincts that he was the Right astrologer.

For example, his late sister’s handmade textiles had the same colour as my wall, which is my favourite colour! And I’m a textile artist. I felt that it was God’s way of telling me — do what Patrick said she could have done with her work but did not. When I accepted that some things were beyond my control, and allowed myself to trust in Patrick’s guidance; that I do have a great deal to offer if only I had the confidence to showcase my multiple talents. And I can proudly say, within this short span of time, people have reached out to me via my website requesting for my art classes, I was approached by the University of Amsterdam for an interview for a documentary, and I’m getting paid by a Dutch textile art magazine to feature my work and life as an artist. I’m also learning Wondershare now, an app introduced by Patrick’s wife.
There’s always a first step for everything, and if you’re serious about connecting more deeply with yourself, Patrick is the man I recommend you turn to. This is my first reading experience with him, and it will not be my last.”

PAR, Western Australia, 4th September 2024 – “Thank you once again Patrick for yet another excellent session. Your personal reading was thorough and as ever supported by your detailed research and extensive knowledge of Astrology. I have followed you on line for many years and yesterdays personal online experience was accurate and delivered with your customary kindness and sensitivity. I very much recommend you to all who are seeking confidential and professional astrological guidance. I will most certainly be a returning client to gain further insights into my life’s path.”

RB, Thuir, France, 26th August 2024 – As a birthday treat to self I booked a one to one astrology session with him. I am very much into astrology and know a bit about it…I’m also a Tarologue. I was very impressed with Patrick’s reading of my birth chart and draco chart. I already knew the basics like my su, moon, ascendent. But he opened my eyes to much more significant points like I have Mercury, my moon and the meeting point with my sun in my 7th house which explains why I am so obsessed with relationships and need to have deep and meaningful relationships…not just romantically but in general. It’s like my “raison d’être”. Also I have Cairon in my 6th house so this explains why I am such a deeply sensitive empath and animal lover. We spoke for over an hour and it was all recorded on Zoom or Skype. So you can go back over the session which I have done and still pick up new insights. The other great think about working with Patrick is that he’s like an old friend. A very genuine and kind person. He puts you at ease immediately. Highly recommended!🎉🎉

H, Boston, MA, 23rd August 2024 – “It was a great pleasure meeting you and working with you! Thanks again for everything Patrick!”

AM, Vancouver, Canada 7th August – “Patrick is a really caring and kind person. He offered insights into my life that were very thoughtful and validated some difficult times with transits that were more challenging. I feel I have a better understanding of the year ahead and how I can best navigate some important decisions. It was very beneficial for me that he asked my permission to record the experience so I am able to look back and understand things more fully. I am new to understanding the houses in astrology so this will bode well for me to enrich my understanding and deepen my knowledge. I would definitely recommend Patrick and I will be sure to reach out to him again for another reading. Thank you, Patrick”

NM Boulder, Colorado, USA, 3rd August – “Dear Patrick,It was a wonderful reading and spot on.”

AA, Berlin, Germany, 30th July 2024 – “Patrick was a joy to work with. I’ve been to numerous astrologers over the years and really appreciated the layered approach he took to reading my chart from so many different angles, which provided a fresh perspective. He’s skilled at intuiting and interpreting the personal significance of the various astrological indicators. Would work with him again!”

LH, Somerset, UK, 23rd July, 2024 – “Thank you Patrick for such an insightful reading. You have a fantastic attention to detail and it’s clear that you genuinely care. It was very much appreciated.”

AAS, Rochester, UK, 18th July 2024 – “I was delighted with my consultation with Patrick. His analysis of my personality and experiences was very accurate and picked up on details that that wouldn’t be apparent to anyone else. His forecast of influences for my future direction gave me the tools and inspiration to plan for success. I highly recommend a 1-1 with Patrick!”

LD, London, UK, 12th July – “I’ve just listened back to the recording of my consultation with Patrick (and will probably revisit it often!). He carefully and patiently enabled me to see why my life has been so tough for years, but most importantly he gave me hope of change on the horizon. I’m very grateful to have been able to spend an hour with Patrick and benefit from his cosmic guidance. He’s cheered me up no end!”

KW, 10th July 2024, New York, USA – “Patrick Arundell is an incredibly knowledgeable astrologer with breadth and depth not easily found in an astrologer. His guidance to me has been invaluable over the years and with each year he becomes more sophisticated in his work. I greatly appreciate how he manages to make insights clearly and easily understood. You would be making a wise choice to book an appointment with this kind soul, and return to him on a regular basis to help navigate the ins and outs of our changing sky.”

PP. Seattle, WA USA, 5th July 2024 – “Patrick welcomed me warmly and went right the heart of the matter. The reading was beyond comprehensive including more charts than I had anticipated and took a deep dive on many aspect of my life. He spent a little over one hour and let me ask other questions other than the one for which I made the appointment. I plan on conferring with Patrick again in the future.”

PC, Thailand, 4th July 2024 – “My session with Patrick was very illuminating and cathartic. It felt like I had a therapist, a business coach and an astrologer rolled into one. Through his compassion and perceptiveness, the reading made me feel seen and hopeful.

I sought out a one-on-one because I had been feeling stuck in my career and relationship for a decade, and Patrick not only helped me understand my life better but also pieced together the bits and pieces of my situation to arrive at a practical ladder out of my stuckness. Many of the things he pointed out were what I had been contemplating but couldn’t crystallize and had the courage to take action on. If you are looking for an astrologer who is full of depths, elegance and expertise, Patrick is your guy”

CL Florida, USA, 24th June 2024 – “Patrick is such a gem. The insights that the one-on-one reading, gave me clarity and a knowing of my soul’s “alignment”. Patrick expanded upon things I’d previously known about my birth chart and revealed new things that I didn’t realize (I have gone at reading and deciphering my natal chart on my own until the reading with Patrick) and Patrick’s details were all spot-on! It was as if he peered into the real me. I especially loved his thoroughness both during the reading and the information he sent afterward. Beyond words happy that I chose to take the leap and dive into my personal astrology with a professional! Many thanks to him!”

AD, Colorado, USA 26th June 2024 – “Today I had a personal astrological horoscope reading with Patrick Arundell. I consider this reading as probably the best reading I have ever had . He is so thoughtful and knowledgeable. He brought to my attention things I had not considered before. I have been a student of Astrology for many years . And I have followed Patrick for many years . After my conversation with him I felt very hopeful and uplifted. He put a lot into one hour. Truly I know that anyone who has the interest will benefit from meeting with Patrick! In closing i want to emphasize that I am older and have had other readings in my life. This was the best and most interesting and inspiring reading I have ever had! Patrick is truly special. Thank you so much!”

C, London, 15th June 2024 – “My conversation with Patrick is always very nuanced – he can describe how I relate to the world and feel in my inner world by looking at key planetary aspects and he’s also able to translate how transits might play out in my life. I’m not looking for exact predictions, I’m looking for an intuitive understanding of how energies could play out should I be in the right (or wrong) circumstance to activate these energies. However, some of Patrick’s suggestions did play out quite accurately. On top of it all, he’s a genuine fellow who wants to help, reassure, and encourage people, while applying great listening skills and compassion”

BB, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 13th June 2024 – “I think, from the first session with Patrick, I tapped into a treasure of knowledge. It is the first time I made a contract with a professional astrologer, but the feeling is mind-blowing for me. I will come back for additional sessions with Patrick to gain more in-depth knowledge and insight about astrology which will help me navigate my life with confidence. Patrick, during the session, showed deep knowledge and experience which tempted me to continue this enlightening journey. Thank you Patrick”

S.H Como, Italy 7th June 2024 – “It has been a real pleasure to consult with Patrick Arundell. He is an amazing astrologer who examines your chart profoundly and knows every detail about your Transits, Progressions, Solar Return and every Aspect related. He is as attentive, detailed and sensitive in his work as you can imagine. I can only say positive things about his work, human warmth and sincerity when communicating. I wholehearted recommend it to anybody!”

CME, London, UK, 1st June 2024 – “What a truly enriching and rewarding experience! Patrick went through my charts very comprehensively and explained everything in detail to me. He was so kind and considerate and I was so delighted to receive a lot of very helpful information afterwards, including my natal chart and twelve month forecast. I will definitely recommend this my friends!”

LJ, Bristol UK, 27th May 2024 – “From the outset Patrick made me feel very at ease. He is a genuinely warm person ,he has great empathy and provides an indepth, very individual service. I felt a lot more positive afterwards and have a clearer picture of what has been going on and the future seems a lot brighter. I felt that Patrick went out of his way to understand my situation, he gave me as much time as I needed, he is very skilled but a very humble, caring person. Many thanks for your help.”

RP, CA,Walnut Creek, 20th May 2024 – “Patrick’s astrology reading was the most detailed and insightful reading I have ever had ( and I’ve had a lot). He has a warm, down to earth, and delightful personality and his talent and passion for his craft shine through as he relates each of his predictions with the detailed aspects in your chart. I left that one hour feeling so empowered, encouraged, and excited about my year ahead. Patrick also followed up with a recording of our session, pictorials of my chart, and detailed transits for this year. I cannot thank Patrick enough and look forward to another session sometime in the future.”

JH, Watford, UK, 19th May 2024 – “I am so grateful, Patrick, for this reading. I am amazed by your deep knowledge and interpretation of Astrology, as well as your noble spirit and positive energy.
Thank you.”

CM, Ohio, 10th May 2024 – “Thank you so much! I had such a great time meeting you and what a wonderfully informative hour!”

KT, Arizona,  24th April 2024 – “WOW! My goodness, that was outstanding! Your expertise and personable manner helped me to understand my circumstance on another level. Your prognosis is extremely encouraging and quite a relief to hear.”

M.A.UAE, 19th April 2024 – “Patrick is truly remarkable! He accurately determined my birth time with precision. His expertise in the field is evident as he explained everything thoroughly.Not only is he experienced, but he’s also incredibly generous. Patrick went above and beyond by analyzing my progression chart and Solar Return, and even provided me with a complimentary 12 Month Transits Report and Astrology Manual. He is a kind and compassionate individual, and I highly recommend him for any astrology reading. Thank you, Patrick!”

KB, Colorado, 22nd March 2024 – “I recently had a reading with Patrick and I can honestly say that an hour with him shifted my perspective more than any therapy session or other reading ever has. I feel as though a tremendous weight that I have been carrying my entire life has been lifted from me, from our time together. He beautifully articulated various aspects and placements of my chart in such a way that not only helps me to better understand myself and things I am moving through, or have moved through, but that gives me the tools to approach things in a much healthier, harmonious way moving forward. Patrick shares his wisdom and immense expertise of Astrology in such a way that is not only educational and empowering, but is also done with empathy and understanding from start to finish. No matter how much experience or knowledge you may have of Astrology, if you haven’t had a reading with Patrick, I HIGHLY recommend booking one. I am truly grateful for him, the work he does in this world, and the deeper insights he offered me.”

J.P Ottawa,  20th March 2024 – I have had the privilege to consult Patrick a number of times. Patrick combines his knowledge of astrology with a great sense of humour and all the seriousness and humility of a seasoned professional. He is preoccupied with providing the most accurate information and his insights, I have found, are well-founded. Your questions will be answered with honesty but remember that you alone are the master of your destiny. Consult in confidence. A+

LJ, Los Angeles, California, USA, 20th February 2024 – “My consultation with Patrick was so helpful. He has a gift for translating the data of a chart into very clear and relatable language. I left the reading with a sense of clarity about the next chapters in my life. I also felt that my concerns were witnessed in a compassionate way. I’m grateful for his work.”

BE, Germany, 18th March 2024– “Dear Patrick, it was really amazing working with you again and catching up!”

F.H Vancouver, Canada 15th February 2024 “”As a robotics engineer with genius-level IQ in multiple areas, it will probably shock many people to see that I am writing a GLOWING REVIEW, of Patrick, as an Astrologer. Yes, that’s right: Astrology is real, verifiable, scientifically derived, and utterly accurate – if you know whom to talk to… and Patrick is your man. And while this science has suffered terribly in recent centuries, from harlots and charlatans with haphazard knowledge and poor presentation – Patrick alone, stands out as a beacon of discerning intelligence and accuracy, with literally decades of practice, study, research – and verifiably correct prognostications – real results. I am truly, very grateful to have found him…
In particular, what I appreciated about Patrick was his incredible thoroughness, in examining every angle, every node, every conjunction… every… whatever – I don’t know Astrology – but he certainly does. And with his advanced computer program he is able to examine every aspect of your chart to ensure he is able to give you, not only accurate interpretation – but also very accurate DATES, which makes life-planning very convenient. (Such as when to file a patent! Or when to wait…)
Patrick is extremely polite and professional, yet personable; he is forthright, yet very diplomatic in his delivery. He is sincere and genuine, and clearly has client’s concerns foremost in his mind. (As well as confidentiality, if you happen to be someone of status in society.) I trust him completely, and – for example – his reading of my natal chart was almost uncomfortably startling, in its accuracy. I simply cannot imagine trying to arrange my affairs and plan my future without first gathering as much useful information as possible: and an Astrology reading with Patrick Arundell will now be the first move I shall take, before beginning any important endeavour. Thank you again Patrick; I shall look forward to another session with you in the near future. “

CM. North East USA 19th January 2024 “Fabulous”, describes the presentation, the caring nature of the chart (the good and not-so-good), and the knowledge shared in such a professional and easy-to-understand manner. I have been read many years ago by not one but two very prominent NY astrologers and have never seen or heard of some of the aspects, midpoints, and their collective energies and how they are intertwined into one life in such a detailed manner. I would highly recommend a reading with Patrick, even if you have had an astrology reading in the past you will learn so much more than one could ever imagine. Treat yourself! You will get the full picture of your life and gain a greater understanding of your purpose, gifts, and behaviors.”

KD, Detroit, USA 11th January 2024 “Thank you so much, Patrick. I was such a pleasure meeting you and the reading was exceptional!!”

JG, LA, USA 4th January 2024 “Dear Patrick, Thank you for the amazing reading!”

SRAJ, UK, 30th December 2023 – “Patrick is professional, polite.He is very detailed this provides excellent analysis.He is kind and honest I would highly recommend this amazing Astrologer!”

AG, Washington State, USA, 30th December 2023 “Patrick is wonderful. His insights and accuracy are always spot on. He is pleasure to work with”

S.K., Berlin, Germany 28th December 2023 – “Patrick delved deep into my chart and explained the past, current situation and future. Understanding the past years better – in order to process them and make peace with them – helped me a lot. Looking at life and its developments through “his” astrology, explanations and interpretations was wonderful and did me good. I think he is a professional who is very focussed, profound and absolutely with the client. I really enjoyed it – thank you very much!”

MP, Paris, France 22nd December 2023 – “Patrick is a very experienced astrologer and offers a reading with incredible insights into your personality and your relationships. He is very respectful of the person he consults. He also gently suggests directions forward that combine astrological facts and psychological finesse . I really appreciated his reading.”

JR Trimsaran Wales, 25th November 2023 – “Our time together was brilliant; there was time for me to talk and for Patrick to back up my musings with the Astrology. Patrick was spot on with my questions; highlighted my skills, knowledge, expertise. After our time together ; I felt buoyed up; enough to sing ( poorly) whilst preparing food. Huge recommendation from me.”

Joanna, South Africa, 22nd November – “This astrology reading by Patrick has exceeded my expectations. I was blown away by how accurate my life was shown in the stars. Patrick is so knowledgeable and so professional I left feeling so much better about myself and my whole year experiences. I cannot wait for the next year. And this is not the end with Patrick, thank you so very much till next year.”

R,  26th October 2023 “Patrick was extremely helpful and insightful that catered to my situation. I will be coming back to him for further chart and relationship guidance.”

Yz – Hampshire, UK, 23rd October 2023 “Out of all the readers I’ve worked with over the years, Alyssa, has to be the absolute best.

I’ve had three readings with her and I so appreciate the way she reads and delivers the tarot’s wisdom with so much care, compassion and encouragement, and even when I’ve had challenging situations come up, the guidance Alyssa gives is appropriate and motivational which gives me confidence that all will be well. Alyssa has a natural gift which blends well with excellent communication skills and being an all round good human being.

B – Luton, UK 20th October 2023 “Thank you again for my amazing reading last night. Patrick is warm, genuine and makes you feel at ease. He amazed me how accurate he was when reading my birth chart and it was as if he knew me already. He explained about my transits, progressed and Solar Returns and it left me feeling hopeful. If you’re looking to get your birth chart read then look no further as Patrick is your man.”

Duane, Brooklyn, New York, USA 18th October “I am SO glad I approached Patrick to have my chart read! Patrick is insightful, intuitive and informative. I should actually put INFORMATIVE in all caps, because he is truly gifted in his ability to share so many insights in such little time. I was also very impressed by his approach to inquiring about my past (past transits) because with what seemed like little effort, he was able to help me reframe many experiences and reconnect with other moments that I had almost forgotten.

I felt like he really understood me and for that I am grateful. I am inquisitive by nature so it was really comforting to work with someone who could keep up with my questions so gracefully.
By the end of our call, I gained a lot of clarity about my Birth Chart and I am excited for my upcoming transits. Do not hesitate to book time with Patrick Arundell! A reading with him is definitely worth your time!”

JC, Florida. USA 3rd October 2023 “What a pleasure to work with Patrick today. He gave me wonderful insight on my past situations and future endeavors with lots of practical knowledge and some great ideas.A true understanding and down to earth explanation of my chart with it’s progressions, challenges and blessings. An uplifting session that will assist me in moving ahead into my next life adventure with bigger smiles and more confidence. The session was recorded and charts sent later that day so I can refer back as needed. Don’t think twice! Book a session! I promise that you won’t regret it.”

MC, Sweden, 26th September 2023 “I had a one to one session with Patrick. I had some specific questions that he answered in great details. I also got a better understanding of a difficult situation with a family member. Plus an overview about work and love and what I can look forward to the coming year. He is very knowledgeable and explains everything in a way that is easily understood. I highly recommend Patrick.”

E, Cat island, Greece 21st September 2023 “Thanks Patrick! Thanks Patrick! Thanks Patrick! Thanks Patrick! Thanks Patrick! Thanks Patrick! I love your prophecies and your name and you! Ich liebe dich!”

PE, New Zealand 28th June 2023 “My sessions with Patrick have been profound. He was very able at explaining the technicalities of the astrology reading and relating it to my current circumstances. His deep listening and the kind, thoughtful, and caring way that he communicates takes the sessions to great heights. I highly recommend working with Patrick.”

CC, Vancouver 20th June 2023 “I had a one to one reading with Patrick. I am going through a tough period and he helped me to understand why and give me some insight, and the most important HOPE. I was an another astrologer in the past, and it was very superficial. He knows in depth astrology, and what he told me deeply resonates. I felt understood right away. I highly recommend Patrick for any astrology reading”

Da, Atlanta, USA -24th May 2023 “Patrick is excellent. Sure he knows his craft of astrology but what makes him special is his ability to apply the current aspects to what is happening in your life. He is an excellent listener, very intuitive and tuned into the problems you are trying solve. You feel that he is completely on the same page. He gets it! Highly recommend, see for yourself!”

LB Los Angeles, USA –  4th May 2023 “Thank you Patrick, I loved going over my chart with you, you are a delight and so knowledgeable about Astrology. Your readings give people a better understanding not only for our personal development but also on when is optimal during the next 18 months for business and what energy to expect. I also enjoyed hearing about the locations that we frequent and the energy there along with my personal chart. I highly recommend a reading to help guide and inform you for your life and loved ones. I will definitely book in each year to assist in important decisions. It gives one such peace of mind, Thank you! “

AG – Redmond, WA – 19th April 2023 “Patrick is wonderful! Very detailed, helpful, educational and encouraging. Really glad to have found him. Looking forward to booking again.”

DHP – Oslo, Norway – 13th April 2023 “My reading with Patrick was just phenomenal. The way he explained my chart was so detailed and really gave me a better understanding of myself. The chat was also so uplifting because Patrick is not only a great astrologer, but also very funny. I could not recommend him enough. I feels blessed having talked to him. Lots of love from Norway.”

D Aberdeenshire, Scotland, 9th April 2023 – “If you don’t know your time of birth, Patrick will rectify it for you. Worth every penny. Fantastic service . Thank you so much. Has helped me forever.”

JM, USA – 9th April, “had a ‘Rectification Chart’ with Patrick on April 5th, 2023. I was told I was born at 1 am, but not sure if that was accurate; mother ill. I’m not someone who dives deeply into astrology, but had my natal chart done decades ago, and something felt ‘off’. I realise the exact time you were born makes a difference. So tried this option offered by Patrick. These are the reasons why.

1. In listening to his YouTube posts, singly and with his wife, I felt a genuine presence of integrity emanate through their delivery. They don’t, as the expression goes. “Phone it in”. Astrology/tarot etc., may be their business, their livelihood, but I don’t think you have to be a “mental giant in psychology” to read the subtext that they deeply care about people and their connection in the world.

2. It felt safe. I may be wrong – there are no guarantees – but you “Pays ya money and makes ya choice”. However, there have been – and always will be – so called “legitimate” (I use that term loosely), business models and professionals, who are so corrupt, yet assumed ‘respectable’. “Enron” comes to mind. Moving swiftly on.

How does a rectification work. Well, for me, I did have a time to go on, but you don’t have to. Questions were asked, and it’s narrowed down to a more specific time. Disclaimer: This was my experience, there may be variations that I’m not privy to for others. I got to 12:30 for my time of birth. So, for any future natal chart, I will use that time.

I recommend it. Thank you Patrick and Alyssa – (hope I spelt your name correctly) – for being who you are. In this complicated world of cynicism and subterfuge, I don’t detect an iota of that within either of you. What a breath of fresh air that is. “

IZ, Washington DC, USA 7th March 2023 – “I appreciate my profile’s thoughtful conversation and analysis—shining light on critical personal and business concerns and questions. Patrick was delightful, realistic, and straightforward without being abrasive and intimidating. He valued my limited knowledge of astrology yet appreciated my questions and reflection about the chart’s reading. By the end of the conversation, I felt clear and had a sense of confidence about my personal 2023 panorama.”

KT London, UK 7th March 2023 – “Thanks for the great session. I’ll be back!”

JK Ottawa, Canada 4th March 2023 – “Patrick is an extremely knowledgeable professional who provides insightful interpretations. He also has a very sharp eye that enables him to see and explain connections, linkages, and correlations between astrological bodies. I greatly appreciate his sense of humour, his energy, and his creativity. Lastly, his pedagogical approach makes it easy to understand complex ideas, as you will be able to see in his videos.”

MK,New York, USA 1st March 2023 – “The best. Always prepared and dead on with information with a very understandable manner.”

CB, Romania 1st March 2023 –“Dear Patrick, Wow thank you so much .You pretty much highlighted all my life‘s problems. I am amazed. All the best wishes from me”

SO, New York, USA, 20th February 2023 – “Hi Patrick! I enjoyed our time together!”

CW, Los Angeles, USA 18th February 2023 – “I loved my reading with Patrick! He was phenomenal, I cannot recommend him enough. He called out some very specific things straight away that were spot on, and he gave insight into many aspects of my chart that I’d never learned about before. His communication and delivery are encouraging and supportive as well, and he delivers direct and honest messages with great care and kindness, which I really appreciate! I wanted to get some help with my career, and he provided excellent insight and guidance regarding about the career aspects of my chart and how they relate to what I do. I look forward to future readings, thank you Patrick!!”

BKT Yorkshie, UK, 17th February 2023 – “Patrick’s assessment and rectification of the chart were insightful, thorough and easy to follow along. Delivered with compassion, kindness and a great sense of humour. A lot of things that were a mystery or have happened made perfect sense. Will be looking into a Progression chart at some point. Thank you, Patrick.”

WP London, UK, 31st January 2023 – “Thankyou for the session on Thursday, Patrick. It was extremely interesting and inciteful.”

MKW, Easton, CT, USA, 30th January 2023 –  “Patrick is a warm, wonderful, and thoughtful guide and translator to what’s written in the stars. He is a safe place to voice your concerns, and interpretations. He is open and willing to explore to your questions without any judgment. He also is a great teacher and I feel smarter after our time together. Sometimes you feel when you seek guidance from a spiritual talent that something other worldly is coming through…and while I fully believe Patrick has that ability, I rather feel like our sessions are him being a professor of the stars and teaching throughout the session…a most favored professor to be sure. If you are someone looking for gentle guidance and direction, and learning more about astrology, Patrick is the way to go. In addition, I feel very supported by him and almost like he is cheering me on for the year ahead… Between teaching me and supporting me, I feel that I have gotten amazing support and am better prepared for the year ahead. You can’t go wrong with Patrick!”

EB, Bristol, UK, 6th January 2023 – “Insightful and very useful”

LL, London, UK, 5th January 2023 – “Patrick is an astrologer who makes understanding an astrological reading an easier and pleasurable task.
He helps us navigate the reading in a way that makes great sense whilst also helping to contain anxieties and doubts about the future or one’s circumstances.

A very diplomatic and well mannered professional, Patrick has the demeanour of someone whose path in life is to help others to feel better and he does it extremely skilfully. His reading is insightful, intelligent and extremely helpful. I recommended him strongly.”

JTW, OH, USA 30th December 2022 – “Patrick is a professional. He provided a nice overview of my birth chart which I was familiar with. He did a very comprehensive reading which included looking into the remainder of 2022 and into 2023. He was also able to compare these charts while taking into consideration my birth chart and asked me a few questions that were spot on about how I have progressed thus far through life.

He confirmed some points about my true personality that I had cast aside due to trials and tribulations I have endured. I owe a debt of gratitude to Patrick for opening my eyes to things I had truly forgotten about myself.

I have followed Patrick’s monthly horoscopes for many years, but getting a personalized reading from him and talking via Zoom really personalized this experience. I highly recommend Patrick for a comprehensive astrologicial read. Thank you Patrick!”

NP, San Francisco, USA, 30th December 2022 – “Thanks for all your support and guidance.”

JW, Ohio, USA 28th December 2022 – “Hello Patrick, You were very right when you mentioned that worldly things were more important as a younger me, but not at all now 🙂 Thanks again for helping validate myself and my person moving through this thing called life. God Bless and thank you once again”

PJ Munich, 24th December 2022 – “I had my 2nd follow-up reading with Patrick about two yrs time from the first. It provided me with more encouragement and confidence to continue with my pursuits for a more fulfilling personal and professional life with conviction.”

P.R LA, USA 22nd December 2022 – “Hi Patrick, Thank you very much for such an insightful astrological reading. Also, I had no idea about my Grand Fixed Cross. You are the first to mention it to me. I will be in touch.”

MW Connecticut USA, 22nd December 2022 – “Thank you for a wonderful discussion and exploration.”

CN Sydney, Australia 12th December 2022 – “Was lovely seeing you again yesterday and chatting with you. Your explanations and insights are so spot on for me. You are so very generous, thank you so much for the “headlines” for 2024 and 2025. You are so very clever in the way you interpret and read a horoscope. Thank you for your time.”

SL, Yorkshire, UK 20th November 2022 – “Patrick’s reading was very helpful and full of insights. He was very accomodating as well when I changed my mind regarding the area of my life I wanted to know more about. I recommend Patrick to anyone who wants to know more about their life path. Looking forward to speaking to him again next year.”

BM, Surrey, UK 9th November 2022 – “Thank you so much for your time and trouble to accommodate my rather unusual circumstances, Patrick! It was my second consultation with you, and as before I found working with you nothing short of a delightful experience. Always honest, compassionate and understanding of the human condition and all of life’s complexities. I’m nothing short of amazed at your accurate insights into my personality traits, how I navigate the world, and my personal history. Your work on my chart truly helps me toward a better understanding of myself as well as provides a welcome and supportive signpost for future trends.”

Kelly, USA. 3rd November 2022 – “My report came so quickly and is perfect. I loved reading it and will be putting the highlights in my planner. I highly recommend the 2023 chart for anyone on the fence

V, Wiltshire, UK 21st October 2022  – ‘Dear Patrick, thank you so much for the wonderful reading you gave me today. There was lots to take in but over time and re-listening to the recording I am know it will continue to give me guidance. Also thank you again for going over the scheduled time. I know how time is precious for everyone, so that was not lost on me.’

SB Melbourne, Australia 20th October -‘I shouted myself a Birthday present this year (October 2022) and had my chart done with Patrick and I was absolutely delighted by the result!
How fantastic that we have modern technology because Patrick was in the UK and I in Melbourne Australia…but there we were, face-to-face having a chat about my past, present and future.
Not only did Patrick help me decide to change the date of the up-coming meeting that I was uneasy about but gave me the tools to know when to reschedule it to and explained things to me that have never really made sense to me before – well now they do and I just feel more ‘comfortable’ in my own skin! At the end of the session, Patrick sent through a video of our session and also provided me with a day-by-day rundown of the next 12 months, so I have quite the heads-up! Thank you so much again Patrick, I truly appreciate all the time and care you have given to my chart and to me, it was such a fab experience!

PC – Singapore 19th October – Dear Patrick, thank you so much for your kindness, patience, and honest reading.

Flori, Cyprus 29th September 2022 – “Thank you very much Patrick , for the wonderful reading You proved to me you are so accurate , because what you said. I was suspected , I love your readings , you are one of the best astrology master … For sure I will contact you again. Keep up the good work Thank you…”

LS Australia, 11th August 2022 – “I highly recommend a deep dive into your astrological energy with Patrick. He offers comprehensive knowledge combined with a compassionate manner to deliver so much insight and guidance. This helps you to understand your journey so far, and very excitingly shows what elements will influence your trajectory going forward. Loved my time with Patrick and have no hesitation in recommending him.”

P Wales, UK 8th August 2022 – “Just had my Yearly chart and lifescope done with Patrick Arundell! It was awesome! So spot on & informative in many ways ! Also so helpful on a day to day checkout , keeps you informed of choices and what to expect! Always useful in negotiating challenges & blips! I Truly Recommended Patrick he puts so much care & effort into the reading Thankyou in love & gratitude Patrick Arundell, your work is awesome

MI Bergen, Norway 3rd August 2022 – “Thank you so much for the reading! It was really inspiring!”

EE New York City, USA 27th July 2022 – “I’ve just had my second one-to-one consultation with Patrick Arundell. I’ve come back for a second time because I was very impressed by his expertise. This session did not disappoint. I appreciate especially the way Patrick listens and will focus on the areas you’re most concerned with. I’ve read quite a few books on astrology and am dazzled by the wealth and depth of his knowledge. He is a witty, compassionate professional who concentrates on the positive. I think of him as a valuable advisor who avoids making exaggerated claims about the future. I look forward to talking with him again next year.”

DM Cheshire, UK 25th July 2022 – “Hi Patrick, It was wonderful to meet you last week for my rectification chart. Could I now please book a year ahead reading for sometime in September with you?”

20th May 2022 JG, Luton, UK “It has been very helpful consulting you. You made me feel comfortable and am grateful and I appreciate you.”

10th May 2022 LD, Bournemouth, UK “Thank you so much for the reading, it truly has helped in so many ways as the days have gone past. Raising clarity on so many of the areas we discussed. I look forward to speaking with you again.”

13th April 2022 LL – London – England – “Thank you for my very enlightening one to one session. I thoroughly enjoyed and recommend. “

12th March 2022 CD – East Anglia – England “Patrick went above and beyond to ensure an in depth comprehensive 1:1 session, taking the time to explain aspects of astrology that I didn’t fully understand and showed genuine interest in myself as a person. Also, Patrick’s friendly approach put me at ease, which allowed me to feel relaxed and comfortable in discussing some difficult life subjects. I can’t thank you Patrick enough for my 1:1 reading which has helped me significantly! :)”

27th February 2022 BE – Germany “I follow Patrick now since 2 years and realized amazing one-to-one sessions with him. Patrick has an outstanding and unique talent and ability to calm down people. He supports people to connect with their inner self more. He is a brilliant listener combined with the skill to ask very good questions helping people to dig deeper inside themselves. It results in being enabled to step into a new self-supporting perspective, seeing and finding new possibilities how to approach life situations more effectively. Additionally his way to communicate and the way how he communicates and explains the professional content – very clear, with high empathy and compassion, non-judgemental and in-depth analysis – is building deep trust within seconds. Patrick is a true professional. Having him as astrological companion is a deep honor.”

26th February 2022 D – USA ” I am so over the moon- yes floating in outer space, Patrick!!! I am close to tears and so excited all at once!! Even though it is only 3:30 in the afternoon I may have to have a glass of wine to bring myself down to earth just a bit (just a bit, though!) Thank you for the reading!! And I have to tell you- you were so on target, amazing. I think that is what has blown me away, I feel some sort of validation, which I did not expect to feel- like I have been heading in the right path meant to be.”

23rd February 2022 RVE NJ – USA “Patrick gave me deep knowledge about myself and my upcoming years. I felt uplifted from the experience. He’s a blessing to the community. His perspective is broad and thoughtful. I recommend his 1:1 session to anyone!”

15th February 2022 – GC – Nashville – Tennessee – “I just want to say that something larger than myself led me to this meeting and your wisdom. You were spot on everything about this situation I am in both business and my marriage. You were like a breath of fresh air. Thank you for being so patient with me and for all the detail attention to the charts. God bless you and yours with good health and prosperity. I will stay in touch.”

3rd February 2022 – FV – Houston – “I greatly appreciated the 1 to 1. Your deep explanation was much needed and truly appreciated!”

2nd February 2022 – KP – KP – Poway – California – “Thank you SOOOOOO much Patrick! I’m listening to our conversation again and you are so amazing at helping me not just astrologically but also emotionally and psychologically. I love how you ask questions to help get to the root of what’s going on. I’ll be booking again soon bc it’s always so helpful talking to you.”

14th January 2022 – LP – Salop – UK – “Because I’ve never been 100% sure of my birth time, I could never determine my ascendant, or understand the unique gifts and challenges in my natal chart.

Talking this through with Patrick, he explained that correctly identifying my birth time through exploring different potential time points was something he could help with, so I booked a consultation – and I can honestly say it’s been one of the best investments I could ever make in myself.Having never identified with my previously-assumed Sagittarius ascendant, discovering that it was in fact most likely Scorpio has opened up a huge amount of profound and very beneficial understanding for me.

I’ve since delved very deeply into all aspects in my natal chart, based on the time you helped me correctly identify, and every single thing – from my Pluto in the 11th to the effects of my Sun square to Chiron and my ascendant, and my 9th house stellium – resonates on a profound level.Looking into how these aspects have expressed themselves in my life, it’s been one ‘aha!’ moment after another. It’s also been very grounding for me to learn more about what I need to embrace, and what I need to balanceI honestly can’t recommend this consultation enough – everyone should have one, and Patrick is an incredibly kind, patient and insightful guide.”

18th December 2021 – BB – Senora California – USA – “Hi Patrick, It was a pleasure to meet you on Zoom and get your interpretation of what’s influencing my chart.It makes total sense that the planetary energies are moving away from my current place and towards a whole new physical canvas to create. I found that resonated and was comforting. Feeling done is part of transitioning to the new.”

15th December 2021 – JH – Rugby – UK – “I wish to thank you Patrick for this lovely reading. I am amazed by your deep knowledge of Astrology, accuracy and insight but most of all by your kindness and nobility of your soul. Thank you”

8th December 2021 – E – Singapore – “It was such a joy to meet you, after watching your YouTube videos for years! Thank you so much for the very detailed analysis and giving such a clear context to the challenges I am facing. I have much more clarity now for the way forward.”

25th November 2021 – SW – London – Uk – “Dear PatrickIt was absolutely wonderful speaking with you today, and I am so happy that we managed to conclude when my birth time was (with the rectification). I was so impressed I immediately booked another reading with yourself for both my daughter and myself.I can’t thank you enough and look forward to meeting you again.”

17th November 2021, KN “Your voice is so comforting and outlook realistically optimistic. Makes me feel like I can actually manage these transits.”

18th November 2021, JP – “The most logical and scientific interpretation 💯👍. Thank you !”

19th November 2021, PM – Virginia – USA “Patrick is extremely intelligent, compassionate and insightful. He takes the most care to prepare a chart and guides you through his understanding of what every aspect means and how it can effect your life. He is very delicate to highlight both adverse and well aspected events or details. He is the best astrologer out there, and his youtube channel illustrates his talent and years of experience.”

27th October 2021, AMD – Florida – USA “Dear Patrick,It is obvious that you are a “Master” at your craft, and I regard both your integrity and your levels of expertise.”

1st October 2021, NK – Ely – UK “My session with Patrick was a delight. His delivery was sensitive, charming and he supplied me with a large amount of information. He went the extra mile supporting me with my astrological charts and predictions for the next year of my life. I am pleased to recommend his service to anyone interested in their birth chart/ or in astrology.”

27th September 2021, FV – Austria “Brilliant reading by the ever so kind and knowledgeable Patrick. Spot on details. Highly recommend. “

27th September 2021, CW “Loved my forecast and character analysis from Patrick, so accurate to who I am and so hopeful and aware going forward. Also love the daily horoscopes to my email, thank you Patrick!!!🙏😇much love 🥰💛”

24th September 2021, JS – Scotland – UK “I booked a personal consultation with Patrick to gain some deeper insight into my own personal birthchart and to look at what the year ahead had in store. I was particularly interested in the astrology with regards my career. Patrick was great to talk to and highly knowledgeable. He was able to bring real insights to our discussion and help me to explore my chart and what the coming transitions could mean. I was able to use this insight to plan my own next steps. I’d definitely recommend the personal reading to gain deeper insight into yourself and help you to move forward in your life. Thanks, Patrick!”

24th September 2021, KO – Florida – USA “Patrick is a wonderful, kind, professional, and very talented astrologer. He is very insightful and sees one’s chart from many meaningful and important angles and perspectives. Patrick is also very good at communicating messages and information in a way that is understandable and clear. I would highly recommend Patrick! :)”

9th September 2021, MP – Montreal – Canada “It is a pleasure to reveal just how much I enjoyed the one-to-one private consultation. Partick Arundell’s demure, his astute analysis of my chart and another provided an enlightened perspective for the future. True to his form as a professional astrologer, Patrick offered more than expected with a solid, in-depth reading. There is a healing quality I experienced within our private consultation. One cannot be but moved with the empathy and understanding demonstrated. I look forward to future sessions.”

10th September 2021, R – Edmonton – Canada “Patrick has recently worked on my natal chart and 12 months forecast. This was a remarkable experience and very enlightening for me. I was able to learn more about myself and understand why I experienced some past events. Patrick is very approachable and professional. He takes his job seriously and go further into details. I highly recommend Patrick.”

22nd August 2021, P – Toronto Canada “It has been wonderful to work with Patrick! He has a deep interest and understanding of the subject. He is knowledgeable, meticulous and thoughtful in his approach. I have consulted with Patrick multiple times and was impressed by Patrick retaining all information over successive sessions and tailoring his comments accordingly. “

14th August 2021, SP – Ontario– Canada “I very much enjoyed my time with Patrick. With precision and detail, he brought various aspects of my life experience into focus in a way that was at once both confirming and illuminating. I have tried consulting with online astrologers previously a number of times. I have found the experience to be very unsatisfying. I thought I would try one last time and I’m glad I did. Finally, a true professional!”

6th August 2021, SR – Seattle – USA “My 1:1 session with Patrick was worth it. He’s very professional, knowledgeable, thorough, organized and prepared. He explained my readings very patiently and also managed to answer my questions within the scheduled time. His readings were filled with many insights that helped me understand myself better and I feel more educated to make decisions going further.”

2nd August 2021, JK – Ottawa – Canada “I reserved a 1-to-1 consultation with Patrick in July 2021. I believe that he is passionate about his art and that he is a very knowledgeable astrologist. His character analysis was spot-on and his predictions had a lot of substance. And his sense of humour is just amazing! I would definitely consult Patrick again, should the opportunity arise. Thank you Patrick!”

8th July 2021, L – UK  “I cannot tell you how profound your reading was for me!! All week I have been digesting it. It was by far the BEST Astrology even-psychic- reading of my life!! I feel as though you unzipped my inner self, peeked into my soul, looked at it- explained it to me- then polished and put it, back so now it can shine brighter than ever before!!! 🙂 Literally like you lit a fire in my soul or deep within my soul’s desires and helped me to define and determine what I really want in my life and helped me to understand that I can achieve it!!Everyone owes it to themselves to have a reading with you at least once in there life!! I have told a few friends about you. But again, Thank you so very much!!”

15th June 2021, C – UK “Valuable insight and a true professional, as always.”

10th June 2021, LS – Georgia, Atlanta “Thank you! You were PHENOMENAL!! :)”

3rd June 2021, A V – Dusseldorf, Germany Once again, thank you so much for helping me. I can really say your insight changed my life for the better.”

11th May 2021, GA – Kamloops, BC – Canada “My reading with Patrick was most beneficial for my wellbeing. He was able to discern an unfolding pattern that I had been keeping to myself, but with his gentle, kind approach he guided me towards validating my feelings. I am grateful for Patrick’s skill, experience and compassion”

28th April 2021, IO – Dubai – United Arab Emirates “Patrick handled my reading with the utmost care and professionalism. I felt great working with him because he executes it as someone who really loves this craft. He provided me the much needed clarity for my next steps. I’ll definitely be a repeat customer. Thank you Patrick.”

15th April 2021, PB – BangkokMy reading with Patrick was brilliant. He was prepared, organised and very articulate in the way he explained progressions/directions and general natal aspects. The connection was poor on my side but Patrick remained patient and professional in his delivery regardless. It was a wonderful reading and I gained so much clarity and direction from it.”

14th April 2021, RB – Wales – UK “I found my reading to be uncannily accurate. It also confirmed a lot, which is comforting and what I was hoping for. It was also fascinating that other things came up that triggered and reminded me that I may have already known about myself, but hadn’t really thought much about them. It gave me the opportunity to consider them in a new light and use it wisely. Patrick is pleasant to work with and lovely soul.”

13th April 2021, EW – Wales – UK “Patrick has a wealth of knowledge and his interest in sharing his wisdom shines through. It is clear he is passionate about his work and wishes to assist others in their journey. He is highly proficient and accurate – if you would like to learn more about astrology and how it impacts your life I would recommend.”

7th April 2021, A – Montreal- Canada “If you are looking for a better understanding of yourself and the forces that influence you, I suggest you talk to Patrick. Having already consulted several astrologers, I knew my chart pretty well, but I wanted to get an accurate view of my current situation so I asked Patrick to work on my chart. I was pleasantly surprised by his broad and deep astrological knowledge and his ability to interpret.

He was not only able to answer my questions but also to rephrase and clarify them. His mastery of the astrological tool allows him to establish an exhaustive basis, prioritize issues and go to the essence. His study includes analyzing both the main elements (planets, house, transit) and the less common notions (fixed stars, etc.). In addition, he has the rare ability to choose the right words to describe the most subtle issues.
Above all and most importantly, I really appreciate his great generosity and compassion.”

6th April 2021, KP – San Diego – California “Patrick is such a wonderful person, I have done many readings with him and will continue to in the future. He gives you so much information and his predictions have been spot on as well as his interpretations of my person natal chart. Highly recommend him!”

2nd April 2021, CJ – Maine – USA “Chart Rectification? Life Certification. How did I get here from there! Patrick Arundell has been on my YouTube watch list for over two years and I finally gave it go. I have been unable to come with a birth time, so armed with an idea and a briefcase full of experiences, I shipped it to Patrick and he went to work. We spent one hour and got my birth time within minutes. However, most importantly, Patrick took his professional experience and made my ‘life experiences’ work for me. He keen insight as to where my journey has been and why, has given me a better understanding how ‘My intuition’ directly affected my choices. Here’s your visual: From the moment we started to the time we finished it was as if he had a been given a jigsaw puzzle and piece by piece put together my Big Picture. I could go on, but take it from this “DEEP” Aquarian, Patrick is the best friend you never met until you do! 5 STARS ALL DAY LONG!”

1st April 2021, JW – Colorado – USA “It was so great having a chart reading with Patrick! I’ve been studying astrology for several years, but there is no one I can ask questions about astrology. Patrick was so insightful and the reading was very interesting. I now have new things to study that I didn’t know before! Cheers Patrick!”

27th March 2021, CC – California – USA “My reading with Patrick was wonderful. He highlighted aspects in my natal chart that were helpful and insightful and really resonated with me, and that have not been focused on in my many readings with other astrologers in the past. I find Patrick to be highly intuitive – his interpretation and sense of how to unpack the energies and aspects in a chart is very empowering and deeply sensed. I got a lot out of my reading and enjoyed speaking with him very much. He is a lovely man as well as a gifted astrologer.”

27th February 2021, GW – Los Angeles – USA “Patrick is as astute as they come; with a very caring and insightful heart. Whilst doling out rare astrological gems, he delivers sage advice in a pragmatic and applicable way. I’ve had my fair share of astro readings and I must say, Patrick’s style is my favorite.”

24th February 2021, VS – California – USA “Patrick is amazing! I’ve had numerous reads about my chart and never has anyone been as detailed, accurate and informative as Patrick is. I feel so much better on my life’s journey after speaking with him. The clarity I feel, as well as a map helping me through my decisions is truly priceless. I cannot wait to apply this information to my life and have another view with Patrick in the near future!”

16th February 2021, KMT – Manchester – UK “Wow wow and double wow. Patrick gives the most phenomenal insight. He is both patient and knowledgeable- the perfect mix. He is so accurate having read for me before and predicted detailed events almost to the day. Super talented – would recommend without hesitation”

16th February 2021, DS – LA – USA “Oh Patrick you are so awesome. What I always have loved and respected about you and your delivery, knowledge , abilities – the truth. Your sessions with me assist me with that deeply . Thank you so so much!!!”

14th February 2021, B – Germany  It is an honour working with Patrick. His brilliant skills to listen deeply, handing over empathy and compassion as well as giving the big picture overview of individual birth charts and how planets impact our life makes him an outstanding astrologer. In my opinion Patrick is a role model to individuals who want to gain deeper knowledge about themselves and who would like to define how a future path could unfold based on unlocking the full individual potential. Patrick is not only a professional astrologer, he radiates trustworthiness, compassion and non-judgement at any time. He is an excellent sparring partner for those who appreciate excellence.

9th February 2021, SW – Ljubljana – Slovenia “I usually get my astrology done once a year, but it had been a couple of years, I kept feeling that it was important to get a review done this year and so hunted around to find a good astrologer as my chart sometimes causes astrologers problems. Anyway, I came across Patrick and I am so glad I did. He taught me things about my chart that no one else had in all my years of learning and getting it done. Also, it’s not just a reading, it’s a conversation, and at the end, you get a printout of the year ahead in detail as well as the charts. I am now downloading the recording to re-listen and gain further insight. I am happy to recommend.”

3rd February 2021, N – Leigh – UK “I was so very grateful and pleased with my 1-2-1 with Patrick. Patrick takes his time and goes over key events with detail. I was particularly impressed with the progressions and how they interact with the rest of the chart. Got my personality to a tee straight away. Patrick gives opportunity for questions and to go over things you missed first time. Honest, patient and enthusiastic Patrick has it all.”

2nd February 2021, RO – Liverpool – UK “I am so grateful for having had a reading with Patrick. He has put my mind at rest in regards to a very critical life decision. I also loved his attention to my story and the way he dealt with all my questions. I am very new to astrology but my experience with Patrick has given me more confidence and trust in the field. I would definitely say it was all worth it”

2nd February 2021, SL – Florida – USA “Patrick was wonderful. I absolutely loved the reading with him. I enjoyed seeing the visual chart through screen share. Patrick is very knowledgeable and honest. He has a kind of way of delivering information that is gentle, straight forward and spot on. I highly recommend Patrick if you are considering an astrology reading.”

21st January 2021, PJ – Toronto – Canada “It was lovely to connect with Patrick. Gave me more clarity about myself, helped me understand the reason behind my personality, relationships, and events in my life. Most importantly, all this re-inforced confidence in myself, testified my choices and decisions in life and gave a boost towards a positive hope for the future.”

8th January 2021, RM – Devon – UK “An amazing reading with Patrick. Gave me insight into areas where I needed to take care of myself and where to focus my energies over the next 12 months. Patrick has a great ability in relating to people and putting them at ease. Really looking forward to seeing how things evolve and open up in my life. Thank you so much Patrick.!”

7th January 2021, D – Chicago – USA “My consultation with Patrick was great! He was able to pick up on the themes in my life and help with ideas, trends and timing. Not to mention he is a pleasant chap with a kind vibe. Highly recommend!”

6th January 2021, CC – Lincolnshire – UK “Was impressed with my first ever astrology reading thank you Patrick”

5th January 2021, PB – Romania “Thank you Patrick for helping me to understand some patterns in my life and how to deal with them in the future. I’m looking forward for our next 1 on 1 session.”

1st January 2021, LP – Vancouver – Canada “I had a reading with Patrick previously, and immediately wanted to have a second reading. It was so insightful, and his recommendations greatly helped me to make some important work & health decisions. I recently had my second reading December 2020, and excited to see how his insightful look at my charts will transpire in 2021! I’m very grateful to Patrick for his guidance and expertise.”

31st December 2020, NK –Thank you for my personalized chart! Super fast! I can’t believe how accurate it is…. more so than any other one I’ve ever had done. Some of it called me out on a few bad habits I’m actually prone to. Spot on. Brutally honest! Ouch! Lol 😂 But now I feel I can navigate this next year better knowing when I’m going to be more triggered or when to open up and take a chance on my artistic endeavors. I look forward to more of your videos. Thank you again, Patrick. You give me hope for 2021. I’m so grateful for coming upon your channel.

19th December 2020, LP – Vancouver – Canada “Thank you very much Patrick! I really enjoyed connecting again. There was so much information package into the session. I can’t wait to re-listen to the recording this weekend.”

18th December 2020, Jk – LA – USAGosh dates were so accurate. Thank you for the wonderful reading”

13th December 2020, FM – Vevay – Switzerland “Thanks Patrick. During our personal reading session, you told me I will have an opportunity on 14th December which will be very good for me. Guess what? I am starting new job on 14th. Love your readings….”

9th December 2020, DB – Ireland “My in depth reading with Patrick was truly insightful, enriching & empowering. He comes across as compassionate & soulful, as he gives & shares relevant information, facts & advice.
Patrick described my character with accuracy & explained future prospects with professional ease. The amount of work he puts in to prepare is extraordinary. This is apparent in the reading & the many notes & charts that follow via email. Thank you again Patrick, from the bottom of my heart”

4th December 2020, FH – Marseille  – France “I am very happy to have discovered my Draconic Analysis; I find it truly represents who I am inside. II already knew my tropical theme but I am really happy to have been able to learn more about me and my soul thanks to the dragon analysis !! Thank you very much for this excellent analysis.”

28th October 2020, VSD – Atlanta  – USA  “Patrick was simply AMAZING! He truly has alot of insight and knowledge about your past and present. He is also helpful in clarifying any doubts and can assist you with your decision making. Patrick is a gem!”

20th October 2020, D – Ireland  “Dear Patrick, Thank you for my consultation. It was an absolute pleasure talking to you and I was completely amazed and thrilled at everything you had to say. I will definitely be in touch for another consultation soon. I can’t believe all the work you have put into this…..not only for our consultation, but also the report, charts & explanations…..you are quite remarkable!!”

15th October 2020, TW – Brisbane – Australia “Patrick gave me a really thorough and in-depth reading. He even took the time to answer some additional questions even after my reading ended. Although I knew a lot about my chart already I didn’t know how to interpret the chart and Patrick gave me the full run down including discussing important critical details and dates going on in my life right now. I would highly recommend Patrick for a personal reading!”

13th October 2020,  J – Wellington – UK “Patrick has got incredible insight of everything, he clarified most of my doubts about future and gave the hope. Thanks a lot Patrick.”

12th October 2020, V – Italy  “My search for a competent astrologer took me so long and eventually I found Patrick. Professional consultation, accurate reading and personable approach. If you need an insight in your personal life and know what you might expect, I can only recommend.”

11th October 2020, SM – Salisbury  – UK “It was an absolute pleasure working with Patrick. Very easy to talk to and very knowledgeable about his craft. Patrick took the time to explain everything in detail about my chart and the different cycles of my life past, present and future. I would thoroughly recommend booking an appointment with Patrick, well worth getting a reading.”

10th October 2020, CN – Sydney  – Australia “Thank you for the session which I enjoyed tremendously and feel I expanded by understanding of astrology through the session due to your excellent and clear explanations. Thank you for that. I feel as though you knew me, which is something I can’t say I’ve ever experienced before with any other astrologer. From my perspective, the session with you gave me a deeper insight into my personal astrology and my life and I thank you for that. Your explanations of my Virgo aspects were spot on and I feel you really hit the nail on the head when you described my Virgo aspects, thank you.

7th October 2020, MW – Harrowgate – UK “Patrick gave me a really thorough well prepared reading considering both general trends and specific issues. I was amazed by how much Patrick was able to cover in the hour and how much I was able to learn from my charts and transits. I also now feel better prepared for the next steps I plan to take in my life. I will definitely consult Patrick on specific issues in the future.”     

5th October 2020, LF – Florida  – USA “Thank you so much Patrick. I really enjoyed the session and learning more about astrology at the same time. You offered so many additional insights that really meant a lot to me. I’m looking forward to going over the work and absorbing it further.”  

2nd October 2020, CM – Eastbourne – UK  “Fantastic reading!Very detailed and well broken down into layman’s terms, Patrick has a great way about him and made me feel so comfortable and the reading gave me hope in my situation whether it goes my way or not, I feel good and positive and a great weight was lifted from my shoulders today…. I’m very appreciative and I feel like I’ve found a friend and will certainly be using his service going forward.”

2nd October 2020, SS – Virginia – USA” Patrick, this was my first live one on one consultation. Firstly, I want to express my gratefulness and recognize you for the quality of the person that you are. You take your craft very seriously, you’re thorough and accurate. I want to say a special thank you for allowing me to really release my emotions during the first part of the meeting. I feel that this helped set conditions for me to share my story in a very transparent way to assist you with providing the most accurate consultation as possible.

I felt a connection with you right away Patrick, you’re professional, personable, patient and kind. The pace of your consultation was very even and balanced, I never felt rushed, I never felt like you were trying to influence my perspective, you provided the facts and then supported them all along the way. I feel that I made a very important investment with you and the return on that investment is significant.”

1st October 2020, DM – Australia “Patrick conducted a one to one personal consult with me . This was done at a time when I lacked direction and a crisis of confidence . I was blown away at how accurate he was, citing current issues in my life . He offered me guidance and hope with amazing professionalism , wisdom and an uncanny intuitiveness that will stay with me forever.I am now armed with the tools to tackle the pitfalls and highlights of the years ahead.”

25th September 2020, LE – Sydney – Australia “It was a very informative and spot on personal reading. Highly recommend to have private reading with Patrick when you need to make important decisions.”

15th September 2020, PE – Glastonbury – UK After a rather challenging period in life and with an important decision to make, I decided to book a one to one personal consultation with Patrick. I’ve followed him on Facebook for some years, but one day last week something said ‘book a reading with him’ – so I did! It was really easy to book an appointment on his website and as long as you can get your head around Skype, easy to get into the video call which is recorded and thank goodness, because he talks non-stop and there’s a LOT of information imparted in that hour! I’ve left it a few days before writing this because I needed to watch the video a couple of times to better absorb his words… and I’ll keep referring back to it for at least the next six months. His approach was professional yet empathic and his consultation was delivered with that experienced tone that can only come from years of immersion in a specialist subject – you feel you’re in very good hands indeed.

The natal chart was really interesting because it gives an insight into your own personality, where it can let you down and where its strengths are – helping you to understand yourself better, if you are willing at least! Patrick’s advice was a good balance of appropriate caution and optimism – I am fortunate that my chart going forward has a lot of positivity, but the one or two aspects that do require attention and caution were explained in a helpful and non-alarming way. Overall I have to say I found the consultation very helpful, it’s given me a real boost to forge ahead with my plans and hopes, but this time, armed with a better understanding of myself and the assurance that things are aligned to support my personal and business life. Thank you Patrick, I’ll be booking a regular consultation every year it’s been so helpful!”

14th September 2020, PE – New Zealand“I am very grateful for Patrick’s guidance. The session I had with him was very precise and enlightening on areas of my life that have been changing dramatically this year (2020). He was a great listener and his intuitive guidance was as accurate as what he explained in my charts. I will definitely use his services again.”

1st September 2020, AM – New Jersey – USA – “I had my first ever one on one consultation with Patrick. He went over my chart and explained all the details I had no idea about. And how important they are to understand. All the wonderful things in my future. I highly recommend Patrick. He is very down to earth and easy to talk with. I will most definitely reach out to Patrick for another consultation within the next few months.”

29th August 2020, LE – Sydney – Australia – “It was a very informative and spot on personal reading. Highly recommend to have private reading with Patrick when you need to make important decisions.”

23rd August 2020, SP – Oregon – USA – “I had a FANTASTIC reading with Patrick! Actually, “fantastic” (even in all CAPS!) doesn’t really convey how wonderful it really was. Not only was he just spot on in connecting my astrological chart to truths within myself, but he lovingly and professionally empowered me to see issues which may impact me. With all the uncertainty going on in 2020, he helped me fine tune my internal compass.
Patrick is the RARE astrologer who is incredibly personable, intuitive, and who has obviously put the work in studying astrology (in general, as well as in analyzing my chart for my reading with him). I had a wonderful time in my reading with him, which gave me more inner peace, empowerment, and healing. Thank you, Patrick!”

2nd August 2020, CG – San Clemente CA – USA – “Hi there Patrick!! It was such a pleasure meeting you and having my reading. Absolutely loved it!”

28th July 2020, CM – Wigan – UK – “Patrick was absolutely outstanding. He took the reading at the perfect pace for me and we have a really in depth discussion about a number of aspects of my life that I really wanted to understand. His manner is so warm and friendly it puts you at ease immediately and he obviously really cares about what he does. He was spot on with so many things. Amazing.”

23rd July 2020, SH – Inverclyde – Scotland – “Thank you Patrick thanks for the time you have me, I really felt you worked really hard to show me how to make sense of things. You really are excellent at what you do and you have used these skills to help me understand my life. God bless you Patrick Many thanks”

19th July 2020, TB – USA – Whew boy– That was one thorough and amazing reading! Not only did I get the written information, but I have a great video that I’ve already referred back to several times to help me stay on track. I have a detailed forecast for the year ahead with specific transits and dates, and that gives me the chance to make the most of the energies to come. Patrick didn’t shy away from my hard questions but was always kind in his answers. He also pointed out things ways of using the cycles that I hadn’t thought about. I am able to navigate the challenging energy and maximize the great energy. Here’s hoping that I make the most of the ideas he gave me for November and really turn this year from sprinkled with good energy into the transformational timeframe that he showed me it could be. Onward and upwards! Thanks so much for this, Patrick! I look forward to watching the weekly/monthly/year scopes every upload and I’m loving the daily energy with you and Alyssa!”

18th July 2020, NS– Scotland – Just had a personal one to one with Patrick and Alyssa 60 min with Patrick and 30 min with Alyssa I found the experience very enchanting and both very professional kind and understanding people I would definitely recommend Patrick and Alyssa best astrologers of all time in my opinion thanks both”

9th  July 2020,  MA – Cardiff, Wales“A consultation with Patrick is like a chat with a friend – relaxed, easy to talk to and he explains everything so well. I am going through a particularly rough time and he was very sensitive and empathetic. I agreed with a lot of his assessment about my character and past but I also learned a lot and am encouraged about the way forward. I would highly recommend a 1 to 1 consultation with Patrick – he is authentic.”

6th  July 2020,  TP – Leicestershire, UK “I have been wanting to have an in-depth reading of my birth chart for many years now and I am so pleased that I chose Patrick to do this for me. Patrick gave me a brilliant analysis of my personality and character, before accurately discussing things that had happened in my past, both in relationships with family members and other important areas of my life. He then went on to look at progressions over the next year and how these fit in with my current plans. I felt a much-needed confidence boost after the reading and feel thoroughly reassured that I am on the right path to enjoy the next phase in my life. Thank you so much!”

4th  July 2020,  CP – CA , USA – “One wonders (or at least I did), after a session with Patrick, how one’s life might have been different at if one had had a session with him earlier on… A knowledgeable and insightful astrologer capable of bringing to bear wisdom, sensitivity, and honesty for the benefit of those who find their way to his door.”

5th  July 2020,  SM – Melbourne, Australia – “Patrick took so much time and energy into the preparation and delivery of my reading. The natal chart and some of the insights he could see into my personality and life events were so close to home and I 100% resonated with it! He was able to explain which influences were causing some parts of my life to flow and some not so much and also what to expect in the future. I am so grateful for the video recording of our session and the information he sent me by email after the reading! It was well worth the money and I would definitely recommend this if you want to have a deeper dive into the planetary influences affecting you. Patrick was professional, deeply cared about the information he was giving me and it was obvious how knowledgeable and passionate he is on this subject. Thank you Patrick!”

3rd  July 2020, JP – Wales , UK“Detailed and completely accurate throughout, very insightful and compassionate. Will be booking again in the future, thank you so much Patrick for a great reading!”

2nd  July 2020, TRF – CA , USA“I have never felt as happy as after this session with Patrick. He was able to know things about my past and personality, present and future that really gave me hope. I can look forward with confidence and hope, some security of where I am going, emotionally, love wise and career wise. No one has shown the understanding and ability Patrick did. I recommend him highly to anyone.”

25th  June 2020, DV – San Diego , USA“I am so happy I had my chart read by Patrick. His insights and expertise helped me to gain better understanding of my path and important life decisions. He is very thorough and has a unique style that is different and better then your standard astrology reading. His grasp of the science and how he conveys what it means to you personally, is impressive. Thank you Patrick, it was such a pleasure and I will certainly be a repeat customer.”

20th  June 2020, DS – California, USA“I gave Patrick 5 stars but wish there were more to click. The one to one session that I had with Patrick was beyond expectation and filled with spirit, love, deep understanding, caring, wide and deep knowledge, expertise, applicable and supportive information. My heart and mind are full of good feeling thanks to the wonder of Patrick’s reading. He has a very caring and loving manner, as he shares the information. Patrick deeply listens to what one has to say and shares information that is applicable and supportive. I highly recommend a session with Patrick to support one’s journey through life, dealing with challenges, understanding the happenings in one’s life. Patrick thoroughly and truly GETS IT! Thank you so much, Patrick.”

19th  June 2020, CT – Wirral, UK – “This was by far the best astrology consultation I have had. Realistic and very useful. Patrick takes the time to work “with” you and your chart, rather than “at” you. He clearly has a genuine interest in people as individuals, and combined with his very extensive knowledge of astrology this makes for a very successful consultation process. He is highly knowledgeable, thorough and professional and an engaging communicator. He keeps the consultation entirely relevant to you, while also providing a huge amount of insight into this (for me) endlessly fascinating subject. This is exactly the approach I was looking for, and I’ll be booking another session soon.”

18th  June 2020, SM – Arizona, USA “Patrick has a way of providing a sense of comfort that is usually found in long term often family like relationships. After watching his videos I got a few reports for myself and my children. Since I had received those from many sources that was a part that seemed familiar already. However, nothing could have prepared me to be blown away like I was during our 1 on 1 session. He opened my chart and read me like a book. I was amazed at how he could see things that I was unaware of or not considering. He friendly calm personality felt like a comforting conversation with a therapist. I felt like I was was talking to my best friend. This guy is amazing and he provides a safe space for you to open up to the more challenging aspects of yourself. Truly one of a kind….thought provoking and memory making.”

17th  June 2020, JM – Cheshire, UK“I enjoyed working with Patrick. He carefully took me through my charts helping me to understand the influences that had shaped my life. He was also able to help me to look at the projections and directions, by explaining in an understandable and coherent way, how the astrological charts show how the future will unfold. Our video is something I will be able to continually return to help me over the coming months and years”

11th  June 2020, DS – California, USA Dearest Patrick, I am still just so speechless but my heart and mind are so full of good feeling thanks to the wonder of your reading. I am so grateful. You have a gift and it brings much hope and clarity to one’s life.”

8th  June 2020, MA – Miami, USA – “I’ve had several other astrology readings and Patrick was probably the most detailed and prepared I’ve ever had! He also explained everything clearly and was especially sensitive and empathetic. I would highly recommend him and look forward to having an update!”

8th  June 2020, KP – California, USA“I absolutely loved my reading with Patrick! He has such great attention to detail and the reading was very helpful with things he was spot on about that I have been experiencing in my life. I can’t wait to get another reading with him. He is a very lovely person.”

6th  June 2020, M – Dubai“Wonderful insights and understanding of astro concepts. The session was very engaging and informative in a coaching and friendly manner. Definitely recommend”

4th  June 2020, CM – Gloucestershire, UK – I am new to astrology; so before I could go any further; I needed to find my time of birth; without parents, or birth records; I needed to find someone experienced enough not to just enter a few dates into a computer; or pluck a date out of mid air. Patrick went above and beyond to do this; and put in a massive amount of time and hard work to achieve this – not just during the session time; but hours and hours of preparation time too, as birth rectification requires someone at the top of their profession. I assumed I would be given a time, and that would be that; but that does not happen with Patrick; even though he put hours of preparation in beforehand, he also works with his client during the session time to tweak anything and to make sure the client is 100% satisfied. Patrick then went on to explain everything in fine detail in a way that the client understands; whatever their level of knowledge on the subject. Patrick’s prices are very reasonable, especially for information that is essential; and in my case will last a life-time.”

31st May 2020, JH – Liverpool, UK – “Arranging a 1:1 consultation with Patrick was so easy and the communication was excellent.  It was really interesting the way Patrick was able to look at my chart in regards to pivotal past events and throw some light on why things happened. I’ve had a bad few years and although I’m realistic enough to know that things will never be perfect, it does seem there are some less choppy waters ahead for me. There were some issues that I need to be aware of but forewarned is forearmed as they say. Patrick sent me a twelve month forecast so I am able to refer to this as well as the video. I’ll definitely be back. Thank you Patrick”

27th May 2020, X – Atlanta, USA – “My reading with Patrick was amazing!! He provided a wealth of information that allowed me to understand what’s been happening in my life. He also provided detailed information on what’s to come. I’ve been feeling really hopeless and like a complete failure lately. I can truly say Patrick has started me on my journey to heal. He really breaks down my chart to the root. A reading like no other. I got A LOT more than expected. Thanks Patrick!!”

27th May 2020, K – Bolton, UK – “Absolutely phenomenal. So knowledgeable and really helped me map out the next few months. Had obviously put an awful lot of time and effort into preparing too and made me feel so at ease with his relaxed manner and way of describing events. Great at explaining and the perfect pace. Will be coming back for more! A huge recommend and such value for money.”  

24th May 2020, J – Indiana, USA – Patrick, thanks so much for the patience and skill you showed in delivering my reading.  I have thought about several of the key points that you brought to me in the reading. Your help is much appreciated!”

23rd May 2020, M – Michigan, USA – “Awesome rewarding. Extremely knowledgeable and well versed. Was a pleasure to have a session with Patrick. Will return for an update next year!”

21st May 2020, M – Texas, USA – “Thank you Patrick. It was a great conversation and enlightening all you had to share. I did really like the explanation on the Progressions and feel it is important to be aware of. I purchased the house in December 11th. Moving day was the 12th. You were exact. Wow. Nice call.”

14th May 2020, J – Liverpool, UK – “Good morning Patrick, I really enjoyed the consultation and thank you for the attachments. I’m delighted that I have the recording”

13th May 2020, I – London, UK – “Very impressed with my first reading with Patrick. His interpretation of my chart was precise, tangible and resonated with my actual lived experience. He clearly had spent time on preparation for the reading and went into a lot of depth, referring to my charts (natal, progressions etc) as we went along. His manner is positive and encouraging but he was also honest with challenging aspects which I appreciated. It has helped me to make sense of quite a confusing period where I have received exceptional career news but the way ahead seems stagnant and unclear at the same time. Would definitely recommend a reading for Patrick’s insights.”

13th May 2020, M – London, UK – “I have been following Patrick via YouTube for years. I now have so much clarity that Patrick will be my go to Astrologer for any event or simply accurate forecasting which is so hard to find!”

9th May 2020, B – London, UK – “Hello Patrick, I very much enjoyed my consultation. Your observations about elements of my personality and approaches to life were spot on. You connect with humility and I appreciated your honest, down to earth approach. I gained a deeper understanding of my birth chart which will help me manage the more challenging aspects as well providing hope, inspiration and motivation to maximise on positive ones! A very worthwhile experience with some very valuable insights and one I hope to repeat at a future date. Many thanks again Patrick, Warmest wishes”

1st May 2020, A – Cambodia – “Thank you again for such a wonderful reading yesterday”

30th April 2020, S – San Diego – “Dear Patrick, this was absolutely wonderful and thank you so much.”

23rd April 2020, EW – New York, USA – “Thanks for being such a good astrologer”.

16th April 2020, Elizabeth – New York, USA – “My personal consultations with Patrick have also proved to be extremely valuable. In our work together, he has been discerning and tactful, providing an abundance of information new to me, especially when it comes to the predictive technique called “Directions.” I most highly recommend individual sessions with Patrick to anyone who is looking for an in-depth insight into one’s chart! Warm thanks, Patrick: I look forward to our next session together!”

17th April 2020, C – San Diego, USA –“Thank you so much for lovely reading. You are spot on, honest and don’t sugar coat things. which I really like. I enjoyed my reading. ‘Till we meet again. take care. Stay safe. In Gratitude”

2nd April 2020, S – Switzerland, Europe – “Dear Patrick, It was lovely to do 1-1 session with you. I am so impressed by your deep understanding of astrology. In the past, I had one private consultations with a known astrologer, but the way you have shown me current and future impact of my ruling planets by going deep in detail, allow me to say that no one can do better. I rank it probably one of the most valuable investment in myself to gain the much needed clarity. You knew me very well by looking at my charts and face-to-face interaction was so joyful and calming. Thank you so much for your encouragement and all the personalized material you have provided for next 12 months. I look forward to having more readings as the circumstances evolve.”

1st April 2020, P – Malta, Europe – “I have watched with interest Patrick’s astrology videos on YouTube and found them inspiring and accurate. I decided to have a personal one to one consultation and found this to be incredibly accurate, uplifting and inspiring. His ability to see into my soul was amazing. I can’t recommend him enough and have already done so to several friends in the last hour having only just finished the session with him. It was as if Patrick had walked alongside me throughout my life as an observer. Huge gratitude for this wonderful reading of my chart. “

17th March 2020, S – Bavaria, Germany – “Thank you so much for the extended reading today! I enjoyed a lot to listen to you. Now I am looking forward to this exciting time of finally restructuring my life. Wishing you also the very best!”

18th March 2020, C – Brooklyn NY, USA – “Thank you so much Patrick. I learned so much working with you. Cant wait to have another session. Wishing you all the best. And thanks again. ”

26th February 2020, LP – Vancouver, Canada – “My recent Astrological reading was incredibly insightful. I’ve had many readings in years past by several of YouTube’s astrologers, and the personal reading I had with Patrick was by far the absolute best ever. Patrick’s experience, detailed knowledge and intuitive powers have been honed with the decades of experience. It was as if Patrick knew me better than I know myself. I’ve listened to the recording over and over again, as there is so much detailed information covered that brings insight into what has transpired in my past for context, current situations and influences, as well as forecast for the year ahead. The 12 month report he included is also amazingly detailed, and personal. I didn’t want the reading to end. I will be booking another reading again soon. Thank you very much for your insights, and help Patrick!”

21st February 2020, RD – Cumbria, UK – “Wow!  I was absolutely amazed at the accuracy of the reading.  Patrick’s reading was clear, and easy to understand.  I really liked the way in which he interpreted my personal chart matching the aspects with my partner – we are definitely made for each other.  So much good news for 2020 and very welcome after a very tough couple of years.  It was just the confirmation I needed  and I am on the right path. I would strongly recommend you contact Patrick.  He is a true gentleman and has given me some real insight.  Thank you Patrick.”

16th February 2020, CO – Nebraska, USA – “My reading with Patrick was wonderful! Very friendly and conversational – It felt like speaking with a friend that I have known for a very long time. He helped bring sense to many things going on in my life at the moment and also provided insight on things I was not aware of. He covered past lives, draconic chart/natal chart/and how my chart interacts with certain people in my life. Afterwards, I felt so happy and relieved to have answers to things I have been stewing on. Patrick is highly intuitive and I would highly recommend him to anyone who is considering having a reading! We went over time and he provided a recording of our video call as well. During the call he shares his screen to talk through your chart so you can understand it as well. Of all readings I’ve had, this one was by far the most genuine and the best! He truly is very talented! Thank you again Patrick! It was a joy speaking with you :)”

11th February 2020, A – New York, New York USA – “Patrick is an amazing astrologer and intuitive soul. He looked into my chart and recapitulated past traumas, current relationships, career goals, family values and more and has validated that I am on my soul’s mission in this lifetime. I wish I had more time with Patrick and I will be requesting another reading from Patrick in the near future because this reading has been a blessing. If you’re looking to understand your life purpose, healing, or need confirmation, Patrick Arundell will surely help you achieve those personal objectives.”

3rd February 2020, RS – Portland, Oregon USA –  “I have had several astrology readings from astrologers who are either well-known in the community or on You Tube and my reading from Patrick was undoubtedly the best. He was so detailed using progressions, solar arc and draconic charts to analyze my birth chart and reveal answers to my questions. He even went over our scheduled time. Patrick not only identified characteristics of my personality that were unique only to me, he described with accuracy my habitual patterns and how they relate to my childhood, and the type of relationships that will be most nourishing for me. Patrick is kind, genuine, and forthright in his approach and the reading was so validating, and healing; I trust in his abilities and look forward to the predictions he shared with me. Thank you again”

23rd January 2020, S.B, Florida, USA –  “Hello Patrick, I just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know how much I really enjoyed my reading with you. Such a compassionate and kind person who really knows their stuff. I am at awe how your mind works and understanding of this science. If any of you are wondering should I have a reading with Patrick Arundell I am here to tell you yes. Worth every penny I spent. In fact, I am booking for next year with him to give myself a treat. He really takes the time to explain so that you understand the significant of where the planets play in your houses. Thank you Patrick for making my Birthday a real special day. For all of you sitting on the fence get up and run to the nearest computer and sign up for your signs. {{{Hugs}}} <3″

8th January 2020, P, NSW, Australia – “Thanks so much for your time and insight. You have given me clarity and I feel more able to proceed on my path with this understanding. Many thanks”

8th January 2020, W, Derby, UK – “A fantastic astrologer, with a warm, empathic and down-to-earth approach. Thank you for the reading Patrick XXX”

3rd January 2020, D, West Sussex, UK – “Dear Patrick, Many, many thanks for your time and interpretation of my chart, which I found so interesting and which gave so much insight to my past, present and future time. With warmest wishes and many thanks. I shall be back for an update in the future!”

3rd January 2020, J, Maharashtra, India, – “Hi Patrick, I really appreciate your help & co-operation. I will look forward to meet you in the next month (again) for sure. Thanks for your support and guidance !!!!!”

2nd January 2020 E, USA, Kentucky –  “Patrick thank you again for the reading. You definitely brought my optimism back. Thank you again, you opened my eyes. I am glad i booked this reading.”

20th December 2019 EE, USA, NYC – “I’m so glad I got an individual reading from Patrick! Not only is he an expert astrologer, he’s also a good listener and is able to customize the information he gives so that you can make the best use of it. I’d highly recommend him to anyone. Everything he told me rang true — and I also appreciate how positive he is even about challenging aspects.”

12th December 2019  Jeanie, YouTube – “Dear Patrick, just want to say a HUGE thank you, for all the energy, time, and emotion you put into delivering your forecasts everyday/week/month and year. I deeply appreciate your insights and found my one to one personal reading so helpful. In fact i would encourage everyone to treat themselves, because we are all worth it !:) but more than that, the information it gives you is so valuable, in truly understanding who you are and how best to negotiate your time here on Earth. Bless you Patrick you rock!!”

28th Nov 2019  SM Washington State, USA – “I have been searching for the most perfect words to convey that I received from you the most wonderful reading of my life! Saying thank you so very much does not seem to be enough!! You are truly a Master of astrology with the kindest of hearts and gentlest of manners. From the start you showed me where I have courage to forge ahead and all the tools I already possess – which I have had all my life but I just could not see them for myself. I am seeing myself in a brand new light which is so exciting! You touched on so many things that were troubling me and helped reassure me that I have everything I need to succeed! I am so excited about this next phase of my life and am forging ahead with some ideas for my own business and a brave new me. I am so glad we connected and your reading was definitely life-changing for me! I cannot recommend you highly enough. Thanks a million times!!”

19th November 2019: KB – London – “I found the (my personal) reading with Patrick extremely helpful, bring more clarity and positivity into my life. Many things were confirmed as I experienced them and I’m very much looking forward to the next steps and my future plans :)”

18th November 2019: EY – Email – “Dear Patrick, Thank you very much for the reports – fascinating and in depth!”

17th November 2019: Majed – YouTube – “Thank you for the 2020 forecast and character! It is wonderful! It is very detailed and very well written.Excellent discount and value.”

17th November 2019: Victoria – New York, USA – “I have been your fan for years now, and as I shared with you during the consultation last week, it has not been a day when your thoughts (via videos, emails, posts) have not been 100% correct! It was my TRUE honor to meet you personally and review 2020 from my chart. I can not say enough worlds of how precise you were on the events of my past by reading the outputs of the chart that you have so professionally prepared or our call last week and how the words and views you shared for the future mean to me, and my hence will radiate to my family!”

17th November 2019: RR – NSW, Australia – “A shout out for Patrick.🎺🎺 My recent Astrology reading with Patrick was outstanding value! Not only was his knowledge base sound and well explained but his  face to face presentation via Skype provided me with a caring and intimate session far beyond the expected astrological prediction. I can wholeheartedly recommend a session with Patrick whose  wealth of knowledge is matched only by his  professionalism, caring and passion for astrology. A truly accurate and therapeutic experience delivered with gentleness and sensitivity. My direction is clearer thanks to Patrick.”

1st November 2019: CD – Bournemouth, UK – “I was really pleased with my recent reading with Patrick.  I work with several astrologers, and each has their own perspective.  Patrick is no different, and gave me a number of excellent insights that I had not heard before nor thought about.   If you’ve listened to Patrick for any length of time, you will know he knows his stuff, and his personalised readings are even better than the monthly’s.  Thanks again Patrick :)”

30th October 2019: Frau M – Karlsruhe, Germany – “Patrick, thank you so much for the time and precious information last evening, it was great speaking to you!”

29th October 2019: Herr B – Friedrichsdorf, Germany – “Thank you very much for our very sympathic, personal and professional conversation today. It was a real pleasure for me.”

24th October 2019: K W – New York, USA  – “Thank you. You are so lovely I will recommend all my friends…”

22nd September 2019: Lisa – Arizona USA – “I have been following Patrick Arundell via his facebook, daily emails, personal website, and through his YouTube channel for many years and have always been impressed by the accuracy of his reporting.  He is not only consistent but always pleasant and he’s never failed to release forecasts and reports well in advance of their effective dates.

When my fiancé proposed this past summer and we began discussing wedding dates it was important to me that we pick a date that was going to allow things to progress as smoothly as possible.

We knew we needed the day to be a Sunday and we wanted it within the next two years but other than not during Mercury Retrograde, we were lost.  I suggested we contact Patrick and let him work his magic, and agreeing that that was a fantastic idea, my fiancé told me to go ahead.  I sent Patrick an email with our information and the request and within two weeks he’d not only emailed back the perfect wedding date, but he included a full report of why our wonderful relationship works the way that it does and why he felt that date would be best.I am happy to say that we are in full wedding-planning mode with an astrologically magnificent wedding date.

We are so grateful to Patrick for his contribution to our future together and I couldn’t recommend him highly enough. Patrick, you’re sincerely a gem!  Sincerely,The future Mrs. Taylor”

10th September 2019: S – Florida USA – “Patrick you are by far the Best Astrologer I’ve worked with in the last two decades. My friend who referred you was totally correct, you are amazing. Patrick, you are totally accurate in regards to my personality, past pains, and my present situations! Your incredible Knowledge delivered with compassion was so evident in my reading.

I think your intuitive abilities along with your knowledge are so accurate and insightful because you take your own personal time preparing before my actual appointment, which includes your incorporation of the mediums of Natal, Draconic, Transits, Secondary Progressions and Solar Arc Directions! I have never met an astrologer who uses all of these mediums together. Patrick your reading gave me the feeling I was finally understood.

You empowered me to feel more confident in my present life situations. I have new information regarding future events that are beyond helpful for my life plan! Patrick, I highly recommend you! I thank you for being a part of my life!!.”

24th August 2019: M – Chicago USA – “Dear Patrick, I am truly grateful to you for confirming on my current state, this gives me a clarity on where I stand and what direction I should focus on for my life. I know you would definitely resonate with this, standing in a confused state is the worst thing for anyone and I have been there for nearly 6 years now.

Your reading guides me to look forward and not ponder over my past. This is enough for me, I know my direction and can start orienting my mind and energy towards that. Thank you so much for accommodating me with the extra time, I am truly grateful to you for it. I look upon you as a great healer and a great human being.”

22nd August 2019: FF – Dubai, UAE – “I sought Patrick’s assistance in creation and interpretation of my personal horoscope, during a period of transition in my life, with specific emphasis on my career. Patrick created various charts – natal, transits, progressed natal and others, took the time to review my situation and provided his guidance, which included key dates when changes to my circumstances could occur based on planetary and astrological shifts, which were spot on. His style is collaborative and consultative with keen insight into the individuals psyche inferred from the chart(s).

For anyone going through a period of uncertainty, a consultation to understand how the planets are impacting them and when and how changes could be forthcoming, can be reassuring and welcome.”

22nd August 2019: S – New York USA – “Thank you so much Patrick. These forecast reports are incredible..it’s so insightful and provides a great deal of understanding of my  children. I will be purchasing from you again. Thanks again”

21st August 2019: Emma – Yeovil UK –  “Dear Patrick, My consultation with you has been extraordinarily fascinating.  I have during my adult lifetime so far, consulted many varied professional helpers, healers and astrologists and indeed have studied and researched a great deal myself, but have not before gleaned such on-point, in-depth and illuminating information as I have from you.

To enjoy the best possible experience in this life, understanding your own personal make-up is completely vital and the most effective way to do that is through the astrological skies.  This is where you come in Patrick!  You have been so helpful and clever in the way you have highlighted the astrological aspects in my skies, which through their very existence, explain my personal tendencies to react to, or behave in a particular way to the challenge of the moment.  To understand more about the forces above, somehow helps lessen the burdens on one’s shoulders.

If certain planetary aspects mean that I have an abundance of creative talent in a certain direction, then it is good to know that or good to have the intuitive hunches confirmed and encouraged.  The same goes for limited or less positive influences;  it is just incredibly useful to know.

Thank you for your time and effort and for explaining so much to me about me.  Surely if a total stranger can be so insightful and understanding, so articulate and accurate during my consultation with him, he should be put on the national curriculum, so that every young person has the chance to get to know themselves!”

20th August 2019: Irina – Atlanta USA – “Thank you for helping me to understand and clarify my path, my decisions, my strong personal qualities. I am looking forward to apply the Planets guidance that you read for me in my life. I am going to navigate my life Ship now with a firm hand even if I am in the middle of the life Storm. I also will be working on more positive, loving and nurturing attitude towards myself. Thank you for emphasizing the importance of it and be willing together with Planets to gently guide me towards looking at major points of my life situation from a different perspective.”

16th August 2019: TD – Nottinghamshire, England – “I’ve just had an astrological reading from Patrick which is well informed, extremely accurate and has not only detailed my exact situation as it stands now, but has also forecast opportunities going forward that I fully intend to take advantage of.  This kind of guidance is invaluable and empowering, to say the least.I recommend Patrick’s services if you want a kind, professional and thoroughly detailed astrological reading. Thank you so much, Patrick.”

14th August 2019: TV – Kingston, Jamaica – “This was my first chart reading and I’m so happy I went with Patrick. Definitely a lot to cover don’t think you can reach everything with just one session but he’s made me leave with the strength in knowing that my planetary aspects are showing a lot of what I’ve been experiencing and a bit of knowledge on how to overcome these and fulfill my dreams. Can’t wait to check in again in a few months definitely worth every minute!”

7th August 2019: James – Albuquerque – New Mexico “Patrick offered me the most technically sound astrology reading I have ever had, delightfully enhanced by his expressive and articulate British vocabulary. His understanding of all the planets’ powers and attributes is extensive and impressive. He went into great detail on my reading and could on the fly reference the my chart and answer any of my specific questions.

Based on my unique time and date he wove together a story of my emotional life that was a very accurate depiction of who I am. This has been a gratifying relief to get clarity on what fuels my deepest drives. Understanding who I am at a deeper level has helped me focus on maximizing my strengths.

It gives me a profound sense of personal pride and happiness of being who I am and why I have become the person I am. Patrick has positively influenced my life, which I am appreciative and grateful for.”

31st July 2019: SP – London – “lovely session, very spot on”

29th July 2019: Nancy – New Mexico –“ I had a Personal Reading from Patrick that took me on a deep dive into what my chart means for me in my life now.  It explained so much about big events in my life, and why I am the way I am.  I entered with a few questions that we explored and got clarity on.  I am very grateful that I chose Patrick to explore my chart with me.  Loved his take on the most important aspects!!! Highly recommend!!!”

20th July 2019: EK – Norwich – “I recently got involved with learning about astrology because I was experiencing some unusual situations that I was struggling to make sense of. I came across Patrick on YouTube and was drawn to his straightforward approach. Consequently I asked a question and ended up having a personal reading about my chart that same week.

The information he gave was enlightening and suddenly a lot of things finally made sense. Patrick knew I was anxious and focused very much on the positive and also made the challenging aspects of my chart feel a lot lighter. He is very relatable and definitely has a natural affinity for working with people. I feel very blessed to have been able to gain a deeper understanding of myself through Patrick. I rather see him as a portal to a deeper knowledge of the universe and why I’m here. He is highly skilled and intuitive and I would recommend him to anyone.”

9th July 2019: ZH – Petersfield, England – “It is my pleasure to strongly recommend Patrick Arundell as an Astrologer. During my sessions Patrick was very knowledgeable and explained all aspects of my horoscope in plain language. I have to say when looking back there were more then accurate. In addition, to navigate me through crucial aspects of my life Patrick highlighted aspects I had to be aware of leaving me fully assured of his expertise.”

12th June 2019: Patricia – Wales –  “Thank you so much Patrick for my son’s reading. It was amazing! So accurate it was spooky. It has shown the reasons as to why he has been behaving and reacting the way he has and how he can reprogram his actions to make better decisions in the future and guide him in his future planning. So enlightening! Makes you realise how powerful the planetary energies are! I will be recommending you to the rest of my family and friends. It was truly spot on. Thank you again…”

8th May 2019: HB – Wales – “When I read the long-view forecast you’d sent me it made perfect sense…”

24th April 2019: AR – Liverpool UK – “The detail and accuracy you have provided is truly staggering. I shall treasure and consult with them for many years to come. You are a truly gifted Astrologer. Many thanks”

4th March 2019: All Will Be Well -(YouTube – “Thank you Patrick for my 12-month Forecast & Character Analysis. Great price. It was helpful & enlightening. I wanted to know all the Degrees and Aspects and House rulers in my chart. I’m a regular visitor to this site for many years and I like a good deal and I want to thank Patrick who is very gracious and informative.”

February 26th 2019: Annie, Dijon – France Thank you so much! It’s amazing! I am now plunged in the Draconic adventure, and frankly, I would like to say that it comes as a surprise, well, it is just… me!

February 8th 2019: Jane, Wirral – UK On the Draconic chart, it has taken me overnight to work out…it’s a map of the soul’s journey…showing where you (we) started and how you (we) have evolved, also (helpfully) showing what points you (we) have managed to evolve and transform…

